A Story From The Future (Part 3)

in #smartcash7 years ago

After realizing my car was gone I panicked.

"Where is my car?" I yelled.

As I look keenly to the exit off the plaza I saw the top of a red Tesla Model 9,

"No no no-no no that's my car! STOP!!" I hollered till a vein in my head swelled. I engaged in pursuit. Over the crowd I zipped as fast as my hover board could take me. I was gaining on that thieving carjacker but as I did the traffic in front of the Tesla loosened up and I heard the throttle open its jaws like a hungry crocodile. The tires gripped the tar like glue and the engine screamed like a bitch. At that moment everything slowed. The whole world froze for a while and I had to decide between two hard choices. I have a super race mode mod I have installed into my hover board but it was in development and highly unstable. It could go AWOL and explode on me! I had to make a choice. If there is one thing you know when time slows momentarily you do something without looking back. I slung my luggage around my shoulder and breathed heavily. If I flip that switch I might never live to catch the thief because instabilities could cause an explosion making the pursuit phyrric.

I felt my heart stop, a click, and my eyes sink back into my head. This was the day I would surely die.

Such unholy speed not even my flying Tesla could escape if it was airborne. That idiot put it on the road and tries to get away. He should have flown instead. Not an intelligent criminal. Now I'll abduct his/her ass after catching her while I pound her with my fist cuffs. I flew so fast I felt like I was on another vibration frequency. I never had time to breath! Everything came at me from light wires to light posts to birds, cars on the ground started moving slowly and... I felt like the flash. With this incredible speed I quickly sailed past my thief and circled around to intercept him/her in stoplight traffic.

I clenched my fist and punched the wind 'Yes', I celebrate to myself. Within seconds I landed, in fact I barely landed; I jumped off in a way that could have injured my ankle but I didn't care about ankles or legs. That is for later. I just wanted to slam that person with a trashcan and R.I.P them with a baseball bat.

I ran to my car and pointed a Gravitar laser to the driver seat. The tint was dark so I couldn't catch a face so I slip in front of the car and started yelling curses and threats to the crook.

"Get out of my car now! If you don't I will blow your head so hard that hurricane Katrina feels like a whimp! Get out with your hands in the air you crook!"

Seeing it dangerous to resist me the imposter shut off the engine and slowly removed them self from my beloved red Tesla Model 9. No harm done to my vehicle.

"Identify yourself", I commanded in a deeper voice as I centered my aim to the shadow of their forehead behind the tint on the car glass. A scared voice replied frantically,

"Please hold your fire! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! I am a traffic patrol officer responsible for moving flying cars abandoned by the owners to a safe pound at the downtown police station!"

"Can I see you ID?" I demanded. Then a meaty brown hand help up a piece of document with trembling.

"Oh well officer I only left the flying car for 5 minutes. Somebody is hungry for a little extra pay because in the Aircrafts and Hover Vehicles Act section 13 states:

Any unmanned flying vehicle left for 30 minutes or more in a public space considered unsafe for public and will be liable for confiscation or securing by a traffic patrol officer.

"You see I know the law. Now I'll take back the car you stole, send this picture I just took of you and report you to the downtown police station for being a dirty cop. You want to take in more vehicles for a pay raise don't you? How pathetic!"

The officer backed off and went to the sidewalk. And I freely loaded my trunk before the lights turned green again. Boy was I relieved it was not an real thief. If it were I would probably have to make a chase with something heavier. Just as I turned my hover board off it started smoking. DOUBLE RELIEF I sighed! This thing that I added to boost my speed almost killed me and I was not about to let some random douchebag off with my car. The tracking device was slightly malfunctioning occasionally. I entered my car and drove off before the drivers behind me got irate enough to start toot tooting mostly.


In the trunk were a couple of plasma grenades and some Gravitar laser snipers, shotguns and handguns, no rifles this time. On most training sessions in the woods with Jeff I used rifles mostly. I felt detached, like a part of me missing for not having remembered to go take my rifle from the garage. Within five minutes I met Jeff at Starbucks. He brought along a few ex soldiers. The soldiers were skilled in critical thinking, combat and that's what I like. A female soldier, a very outspoken one was among us. She indicated that picking war with the humans is harmful to the Zeth because they need our steel to repair their ships to leave the solar system. She agreed with us to go to the moon council after seeing the city council.


The Sahara desert in which my daughter along with hundreds of other daughters were being held captive was our last target point if the moon council could not create a fast enough solution to this madness. All it took was 1,800 SMART for my small team to make it to the Sahara desert camp and back. We made our moves since the moon council was too powerful and pompous to meet us.

Four hours later. The time is now 3:30 pm. The Berserkers always do the Zeth and Cheever's slaughter ceremonies a week after taking a woman. These ruthless creatures only have this power because good people stood behind doing nothing when they invaded our planet. Of course their number was way smaller than the human population but they were more strategic in their agenda. They killed women every few years from most places on the planet because they feared what we would do to them in revenge. They feared we would use them as experiments for science fairs and medical advance. Their matter shifting abilities to imitate other life forms would be their best kept secret and most important one. Their duty to their survival was to kill a massive amount of adult women to control the size of the population until their highness could repair their disgusting junk ship and whizz through some slipstream to outer space. They needed time without a constant threat. My team halted the advance to the desert for a detailed plan. In the meanwhile we stayed at a friend's house out-of-town near the airport awaiting the verdict. Better yet - the plan of action

Next day at noon we all head down to the council of the city to receive the word of he moon council. The news? Not enticing at all. As it turns out those were extortion Zeths who have been reportedly seen doing such crimes multiple times. To date the Zeths have refused to do any meaningful investigation. I think we know why. Data intelligence suggests they extort people cryptocurrency to buy early elements for their space ship repairs. Since Zeths all go one place with their crypto we knew where to go. Rumors lurk of this camp in the desert belonging to them. After the gal on out team who was great with computers ran some hacks and satellite sweeps she located the camps. Hats off to sexy and intelligent with a bossy attitude. As for my girl we had a long trip to the Sahara desert to endure.

Two days later we caught the kidnappers and surprisinglythey were isolated from the group. After a bunch of interrogation sessions, slamming their heads and punching them we got our cryptocurrency back. I mean I got my cryptocurrency back. We found their little weakness which is how we got it back. Remember these guys can shift matter and feel almost no pain. Interrogation of aliens was a whole nother crazy in a mad house! You see they had a stranded tent in the desert where that would do a trade-off once a week to Islāmic militants. They traded girls for cryptocurrencies and then paid a small contribution towards the rebuilding of their ship. Collection by workers was done for the captains. Who cares what they did with the rest. We held all but one of them hostage and made a promise not to shoot them. When the Zeths had fetched my daughter we took her and left. You should have seen their faces. They had that 'I can't believe these humans are not violent double crosiers' look. Oh we aren't WE now? Of course it was a long way home and I was happy that my friends were all okay and so too my daughter. We all sailed home happily ever after. Well not exactly. I had a host of people to go mourn for and funerals to organize. I didn't bother making a report. Police were already there so fast that yeah. They caught all what happened in town with the terror uprising of the Zeths.

SMARTCASH is like a really good coin because I used its Zerocoin privacy protocol to not leave any trace back to myself when buying the explosives. A few hundred metres away from the tent back in the desert, sorry for keeping you waiting so long my dear fellow readers, I detonated the explosives. Enough to take out the Trump Towers. That is my happy ending. A few weeks later the news was worldwide of how Cheever were slaughtered by unknown assailants. After months of investigation by the world's top cryptography experts, no traces could be made back to me. The SMARTCASH had destroyed all addresses from the blockchain just like I wanted.

Just to recap part 2

In part two I introduced my friend Jeff to the scene explaining SMARTCASH having a unique process, features and rewards structure. He explained:

  • the amazing fungibility and privacy

    • the ability to send to an address, have the coins destroyed, new coins created then sent to a new address only you know

    • The Keccak mining algorithm which makes PC mining profitable

    • Minimum reward to the miner of only 5% per block while the rest of the block goes to the community and the expenses of the network

    • Why this token is great holding because of 15% rewards paid on a 30 day basis by the 25th each month

    • The potential of SMARTCASH as an investment

    • What makes SMARTCASH Instant

    • And finally why everyone should become part of the community to own SMARTCASH.

If you enjoyed my three-part story drop an up vote so hard it cracks the floor. Otherwise still leave a upvote. If you wish to learn more visit www.smartcash.cc

Smartcash to the flipping world. PEACE ✌✌✌

If you feel like sending a tip here is the smart address: SkArps6dcNq3KkeKUVuukxH4jtGpzV8YcC

Previously on SMARTCASH


🌟 When The World Gets SMART - A Future Based Story - Part 1

🌟 Cryptocurrency Q & A

🌟 When The World Gets SMART - A Future Based Story - Part 2

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