A Story From The Future Cont'd

in #smartcash7 years ago (edited)

The names of the weapons are Gravitar Laser guns and Plasma Grenades
The year is 2032
Warcoin was created 2021 after WWIII
The Zeth came in 2024
The moon council is made up of Zeth, Berserker and Cheever aliens. The Berserker are monstrous and strong. They can bend 3 inch thick steel. They are laden with sharp pointed Skelton's that project through their skin as horns on their backs, knees, fists and every other hinge join. They can have up to 8 arms and four legs.

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Zeth are the more commonly know ones in TV shows and cartoons but they possess powerful weapons and IQ of less than 1000 by one if their offspring is seen as a castaway. It gets killed. They believe their intelligence has been the reason for their survival for millions if years. They are hard on all their body except for their soft heads. If you press hard enough you might squeeze their skull in. They wear special helmets made from an unknown element to the periodic table. They are the most dangerous as they can read actions to the point where they are almost telepathic.

The Cheever are excellent decievers and clever in the art of misdirection. They can shape their matter and change their colour to look like other aliens. These work with a sort of infinite camouflage energy that makes them hard to track down. They appear and disappear in a blink. Their real shape is like an upside down ice cream cone with the cream smacked on top of the point. The hands float to their sides and can see but there are no eyes. The vision comes from them collecting light and transferring. They are as hard as cedar wood on their outer shell and usually purple in colour. They can dislodge any arm on their body anywhere to spy on an area. They have four arms but sometimes walk around with a few missing. Rumor has it that they get soft if all arms are gone and anyone can pluck our their brain. I saw a Zeth fighting one a few months ago. It was a dirty little fight in the woods. The Cheever dislodged three arms and they flew around like war drones curling hard fists and sailing after the Zeth. The Zeth used some sort of round device to thwart every flying punch. When the arms were far enough away the Zeth pulled an dark energy laser and blinded the area for nearly 50 metres wide, and ran in close. Then used a super high frequency modulation weapon to soften up the shell of the Cheever and pulled out the brain like how you would pull a battery out of a phone. It was terrible to see but taught me a lot. Since it was in the woods nobody would be there soon so ad soon as the Zeth left on his hoverbike I ran over and took two arms from the Cheever.

A few months after I met Jeff it happened. The fight between the Zeth and the Cheever. We both were in the woods doing our advanced fight and weapons training as usual. We both were hard men. Muscular in physique, quick witted and planners to the T who always succeeded to get shit done no matter how insane a task. Just before leaving I said to my best friend:
"Jeff. I know we are the best in our class with weapons and fighting. But what if we get attacked by the Cheever or Berserker. What will we do? We are not good enough as long as they are around!"

"Stoneheart you are a strong man I give you that. But there is no way we can pull off what I think you're thinking! Its just crazy. Beyond crazy. It is stupid. I don't want to lose you to some alien. The Moon Council would have you executed. It is not even an execution. You get a body to bury after execution. They will vapourize you with Gravitar Lasers. You can't risk it!"

"Hey you know what Jeff? You are too afraid of taking risks. These guys might start up some beef in the future maybe not with humans but it could be devastating. We need to learn how they fight!"
I paused for a while. The air was tense and my breathing could be heard. Jeff walked up to me, grabbed me by the collar and snarled,

"Do you not remember Stone heart? ", he asked quietly.

"They took my family", he yelled with an aggressive snarl "and all I have is you! You are my only family! You saved my life and treated me so well. My love for you is like a brother's. Don't do it."

"I have to try", I replied in a submissive tone.

"I wasn't asking. If you try I'll stop you myself. I might even have to report you to the Minister of Security myself. Now go get some wood Tony Stark." He said while he released my collar.

I draped my Gravitar Laser over my shoulder, and a bag of knives on my back. The cord was in my back pants pocket.

He was not around when it happened. He was back at the camp about half a kilometer from the scene. It was my turn to gather wood and that I was doing until the fight caught my attention.

I couldn't see them at first but I heard scuffling and yelling. More like screams from another world. I rested the wood under a tree root and pushed some dry grass there to hide it. As quickly and quietly as I could I slid like a snake through the tall grass. The shouts got louder as I approached. Then suddenly a massive tree hundreds of years old came sailing past my head! I hit the quan so hard I thought I was dead. It pushed down all the other tress for about seventh meters back. I rose but this time was running though the bushes without discreetness. I no more heard shouting. Things got physical! Suddenly I looked up into the sky I saw something I have never seen a Zeth do before. It thwarted ever fist the Cheever angrily threw at it. The Cheever had transformed into a forty plus metre millipede. The sight was so vicious the hairs on my hand stood up instantly. I was frozen still as I his behind a large tree hoping a laser would not melt my head off like butter during cross fire.

I watched all sort of fighting techniques from both fighters. As fearful and anxious for dear life as I was I held myself in that deadly zone possibly to accidentally get vapourized so I could learn how to be a better fighter.

If the Cheevers knew about this there would surely be an interplanetary war. Up until the day of my daughter's kidnapping no one knew. But they were about to find out one way or the other because those nasty Zeth took my daughter and my cryptocurrency.

Fast forward to present day.

The stop light changed to green but what the heck! I'm in the sky flying over traffic on my Tesla Model 9 like a savage. As I flew through the city I observed people running towards the city centre. They seemed angry and fierce. I suspected some sort of local minor upheaval about some changes being supposedly forced on the city council by the Zeth. The council never revealed who wanted those changes really but making everyone have to give more crypto to the Zeths because they wanted to be in good standing with them sounded too fishy. A bunch of armed protesters got hold on 50K Watt lasers which were outlawed for regular citizens. Only the military was to have such ability to divide and conquer. Ordinary thinking people saw nothing wrong with it but the smarter ones like myself could cut through the bullshit to know it was being forced. It might have been for gathering more riches for city council members or to fund some corrupt budget. Whatever it was something was up definitely. I felt butterflies in the bottom of my stomach and my head felt stiff. What could the people be standing up now to the next corrupt move? If the rebellion gets violent everyone could get attacked. War with the Zeth could break out. The military would rather kill the people to prevent widespread war. It was hard to tell. Images or screaming, pain, blood and tears over loss flashed across my mind.

I slowed down and climbed a bit higher to fly over an overhead bridge. Just then sonwthing flashed across my mind to distract me from my tragedy. I squeezed my steering and jerked a hard jerk to the left. Swerving over a chain of stores and a small plaza I decreased my thrust then levitated steadily over a parking zone. I left then car about 25 feet airborne and glided down on my hoverboard mini. Infront of me was a store with dark tinted windows and a freshly dried coat of black paint. At the top painted in yellow was a sign with these words on it: Weapons shop for certified gun, laser, and arms holders No children allowed!

After deciding the gun I wanted I got this text from Jeff my bestie: *SMARTCASH and RIPPLE sent to IWCE (In World Cryptocurrency Exchange) outside your location. Code is ********

I stepped outside from all the beautiful array of colourful weaponry to try and spot an IWCE. I stopped a woman as she walked past me in slow motion with her hair blowing in the wind and her perfume fragrance made me drift off in the wind. She smiled at me and her red lipstick made the freshly painted shop front look like it needed a repaint.
"Hi", she said.

"Hey there." The two second pause gave her time to grow interest. "Can you tell me where I find"

"An IWCE", she finished.

"Y- yes. H-how did you know that was what I was looking for?" I stammered.

"I usually do that. Luck guess I think" she flushed with her response. I noticed her eyes floated down to my shoes for a split sec then at my zipper for considerably longer. She didn't seem like a hooker. She was more like the nerdy badass bold girl type.

"Thank you" I blurted out then switched on my hover board. "Which way is it?"

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She pointed and I zipped off like a lightning bolt. I went just around the end of the block and there it was- an empty IWCE. Inside the IWCE I input the code and scanned my finger microchip. In an instant my phone went off. I pulled it out and checked. The cryptocurrency and another text from Jeff came in simultaneously. The text read: "I did some reading on that SMARTCASH you told me about. As it turns out this cryptocurrency is a community governed coin. It has been around since mid 2017. That is a long time. 15 years to be exact. Bitcoin is 23 years old. Only a 209 cryptocurrencies up to 2032. So this coin is a kicker. Smart Cash also is built on Zerocoin Protocol which is as safe as safe gets Stoneheart. Their coin was easily mineable at first until ASICs were built for it near the end of 2018. It is infant thanks to InstantPay. The 5 billion coin total, the fast growth and the stable price are all features of this cryptocurrency. This is one damn good crypto. You shouldda told me bout this one dude. You should scan out and be on your way...don't forget your favorite plasma grenades pick up some of that at the Weapons Shop! I'm at the city centre across from the council in Starbucks waiting. My friends are coming. Said its a heck of a time they made war and watched aliens shit themselves.#SMARTCASH"

Wow! What a text I thought. As I returned to my car with my plasma grenades and laser watt cartridges I realized my flying Tesla was gone!

To be continued...

If you would like to learn more about SMARTCASH visit https://smartcash.cc

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Simply amazing

Thanks man 😁

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