Bash Installer for SmartNodes on Ubuntu

in #smartcash7 years ago (edited)

Bash Installer for SmartNodes on Ubuntu

Setting up a masternode on Ubuntu has never been easier! With this new bash installer, all you have to do is a few copy and pastes plus clicks! Hop on linux via the ssh and once you login with root, copy and paste the following lines into console:

bash ./

You will be warned that the script will reboot the server once it's finished. You can cancel by pressing ctrl+c or you can continue by pressing Enter. Next you will be asked to enter a custom number for the ssh port. Changing the ssh port from the default number which is 22 to something else can protect you against certain types of DDOS attacks. You can ignore this step by pressing Enter again. Next you will be asked to enter your node's private key. Once you enter your node's private key, and press enter, the installer will take care of everything else. If you don't have your node's private key yet, you can generate one through the smartcash console or cli using the following command:

[smartcash-cli] smartnode genkey

This is all of course the server-side of things. To enable your smartnode, you'll need to add the following line in your smartnode.conf file and then run the qt wallet where you can start or enable your node. You obviously need to replace the words below with appropriate values and strings; node-alias can be anything you choose.

node-alias vps-ip:9678 node-privatekey collateral-txid vout

Furthermore, this installer comes with 3 cronjobs to make sure your node is always running and up-to-date. The first one checks every minute to make sure smartcashd is running. The second one checks every 30 minutes to make sure the daemon is not stuck. And the third one checks every 2 hours to upgrade in case there is a new release. What more could you have asked for?! It pretty much does all you need so that when you go to sleep, you can be rest assured that your node is most likely going to continue running!





Thanks for the bash installer. Makes life much more easier!

Awesome thanks for the sweet guide. Hoping to accumulate some more Smart once the exchanges are back open, so I can start my node setup.

It is going to make it easier for a lot of people! Thanks a lot!

Thanks for sharing this I would be using this for my next setup. This will save lots of time and make it really easy. I am resteeming this.

For some months, I was wondering how to access my smart cash wallet.
I remember, back in September, 2017 when you referred to a bounty offer, I got some 200 smart cash for filling out their forum profile. But since then, I was never able to access my wallet. I can log into their forum and check my wallet address and also see that I have got the smartcash coins on block explorer but don't know any way to access them. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Would I need to create a new wallet address for stacking some smartcash now?

Did you use the web wallet? If you have lost your pasword or master key or private keys or all of them, I can't help you. And yes you would obviously need to set up a new wallet if you can't access the old one. Make sure you save and back everything up this time.

Yes web wallet. But I think there have been several new web wallet versions since then. And I didn't generate so many keys or passwords then as I wasn't aware of all these. I think I created only one password and that was forum sign in password and probably used the same password for my wallet too.
But I've found that the forum password doesn't work for wallet and I don't have any other password with me.

Nothing about keys and/or passwords has changed in the newer versions of the web wallet. The new versions have all been backward-compatible.

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