are youtube using all the tricks in the book to stop small content creators from rising above 1000 subs?

in #small-youtuber6 years ago

Probably not, just bitter (blog over)

On 13–14 December 2018, you may see a noticeable decrease in your subscriber count as we remove spam from your channel.

No but seriously, this was one of those moments where you have your fist in your mouth biting hard like, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME the way you can just cut someone off in their RACE to get to the levels you set for them to be ‘excluded’ from the income stream — maybe I should just nick other peoples media or cut films up and post them?

Ethics over everything thou right?! :)

. .. luckily I didn’t lose anyone, yay! :)

Good afternoon internet, it’s like just after lunchtime, I’m about to get into some cereal and start stepping through and putting together this utility belt course, I’ve got another three hours to wait until all the videos come in for day 15, my daughter is going ice skating today and it’s indoors so that’s gonna be a cool play date for her.

so I had a look. ..

R3wind YouTube Stats, Channel Statistics -

I’ve been on the platform since September 2005, thirteen years of uploading (never seriously) and I always used it as a bit of a ‘dumping’ ground for video, was our platform of choice, kinda interesting thou to know which platforms to ‘back’ and ones that will be around in a decade later, props to all the early ‘tubers who made it on that platform — I do hope they have an exit strategy in January for when article13 comes in because it’s gonna be a fight this year I can feel it.

That being said, ever since youtube made that 1000 subs limit I’ve been wanting just to get through it, mainly because I don’t get anything from youtube and I have this amount SITTING there for the last year because it’s under the threshold and my Adsense does not bring in enough, it’s a stupid little thing to hold a grudge over but you know when you get those things where you just wanna get over that mental hurdle of seeing that number? — yeah it’s that! :)

compliance! :)

It’s stupid really because I know I could record another say ten videos about VPN’s and within six months then maybe I’ll have more traffic and subs indirectly from that, my biggest video made me more money in referral income than the whole of the youtube account, odd — it’s weird how something in a certain place can have a resonance effect, I used to enjoy that factor in the early days of social, finding the places where that would trigger the cause an effect, then I just got bored really.

i mean, come on now

I mean, come on, that’s driving me NUTS, so I should probably GO IN on other wordpress sites with adsense just to tip the scales right? I remember when my youtube would trickle me a little each month and pay for some of my web services! :) the cruelty of it all! :)

algorithms make and break us

If there is one lesson I’ve learned about having anything digital online income of any sort where residual/drip feeds are concerned is that nothing is every concrete — always have a two year window of review!

the steem blockchain has actually been one service that surprised me and gave me confidence in it because of the zero fees and the < 3 second transfer times — it just worked, no middleman, just you and your steem and how you built it up, gave me confidence and tools to take care of my wallet and account and come back to social and digital tools, I had pretty much wrote it all off as just a distraction.

With pressure on cost cutting and savings from centralised companies needing to ‘scale things’ back you often get knocked out of the equation if you don’t fit the certain parameters, I think this is already apparent in the way the world’s media platforms are turning out — how people are changing the way they build audience by the way they conform to whoever leads the horse to the water (cash) — right amount of traffic, right look, right agenda, will to conform and do a deal seems to win the race (in the moment) build the numbers or GTFO :)

I’m determined to get over that 1000 subs

Because come on now, I need literally £1.88 to get google to spit me out a little digital payment of £60, it’s been sitting there for a year and it’s really bugging me, I can’t ignore it, so damn frustrating — i’m definitely gonna share my utility belt course on there and make some more vpn services course overview, now I have a new host for wordpress sites I guess I can use steempress to put my steemhunt posts up as well, maybe I should break out those into separate niches and connect them up to my socials?

the plan

  • set up steempress, sidebar of adsense and affiliate links.
  • make some steem blockchain youtube ads
  • work on the quality of the videos I put on youtube
  • check my analytics of my popular videos and do refreshes
  • get the cinemagraph/nomad website running with ads.

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado ripped up the town (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros → crowdfunded digital signage concept called pi street → now living life through digital blockchains.


You should consider joining, everyone is monetized no matter how small, and not for a week like dtube. It's just starting, you won't get rich right or anything, you need to build an audience, you know all the caveats I'm sure. They have a team that actually helps people use it and keeps people up to date on what they are doing. They are going to start a staking system in 2019 too allowing for passive income. And their own full social networking site. Some people just upload their youtube videos there too as extra crypto on top, I don't see a downside you can start for zero investmnt

not interested in getting rich, money is kinda relative to life ;) yeah 'audiences' these days thou right? :) everyone is an ALT of themselves ;) -- i might take another look, i did look at it but if they are actively updating it and adding features i'll try and get it on my regular weekly view. i had hoped would have done what they said they would do but that never worked out.

You could get rich in the future! I don't want to say something looks look good and someone joins and makes nothing and gets mad at me..

ha! it's fine. no judgement on advice you give me from a random EYE on the internet :) i don't get mad at people, no point, keep it humble ;)

We gained rather than lost, we have between 1k and 2k subs, our subs go up frequently, frequency of upload is one key, the purge seems to have been a good thing, some large youtubers have lost a couple hundred thousand :0

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