Slothicorn’s Genesis Story /// Yu's Entry.

in #slothicorn7 years ago (edited)

Hi!! guys here is my entry for the AMAZING:

Slothicorn’s Genesis Story

Slothy Sanders is a 35 year-old sloth who began working at the Fallhole Corporation nearly ten years ago. She feels lucky to have a job since there are not many job opportunities in her town. She also feels grateful to be able to support herself and her son with her Fallhole income. Slothy’s husband died 7 years ago in a terrible chemical fire at the company where he worked and she has been on her own since that time. She doesn’t make a lot of money at her job, but she makes enough to cover her and her son’s basic necessities.

Every day at her job, she sits in a cubicle and is hooked up to a helmet which extracts her dream energy. She also has an exercise bike, a spinning ball and a small bed in her cubicle. She is free to do any activity, as long as she is alone and producing dreams for the collection boxes. She is not allowed to use her smartphone or talk to anyone though.

After her dreams are generated, they are collected and put into black boxes which get stamped with the Fallhole copyright symbol and locked up. But before they get locked up, a small flying robot goes into the box and injects each dream fragment with a Fallhole copyright symbol. This is done to prevent the dream fragments from trying to go back to their dreamer.


Dream fragments are emotionally connected to their maker, especially when they are first released. The copyright injection numbs the fragments, and severs the emotional connection between dream and dreamer. This step enhances the production flow and creates maximum efficiency of the dream utility line.


Each box contains one complete dream sequence. If a worker stops producing complete dream sequences, he or she is let go. One source of anxiety for all Fallhole Dream Specialists is the fear of producing only dream fragments instead of full dream sequences.

These dream collection boxes then are transported by flying robots to the different departments within Fallhole. Most dream boxes go to several different departments in order to get maximum usage of the dream energy. Most boxes go to the Virtual Reality, Mobile App and Virtual Assistant departments. A few of the super intricate dream boxes will make it to the Movie Tech department. If Slothy’s dream box makes it to the Movie department, she and her co-workers from her Section Camp (SHA-256) will get a pizza party on Friday plus a $25 bonus. This is a very rare occurrence for any worker at Fallhole, as only 14 dreams are picked each year in the entire company to make into full movies.

Every day after work, Slothy is mentally exhausted.

Because she sells her dream energy to Fallhole, her own dreams have mostly vanished. At home, she has her own dream collection box but it is not filled with dream sequences any more. During her work week, Monday-Friday, her dream collection box at home is filled only with thick black liquid which she has to empty out each morning before work. She uses the black liquid to fertilize the strange plants which grow in her backyard.

On the weekends she will sometimes find a few random objects in her dream collection box floating in the black liquid. Last weekend she found a handskin glove stained with light green and purple spots, an ink pen that was leaking blood and a very small pink pom-pom from a fallen Truffula tree. Slothy usually picks out these objects, washes them, and saves them in a large container in the basement.

Her recurring dream fragment that emerges every few weeks is a miniaturized copy of her dead husband swimming in a hot chemical bath.


He usually is missing part of his body, though. Sometimes his arm or leg is missing and at other times he has no eyes or mouth. He rarely appears in her dream box as a completely formed man.

The last time she found a completed dream sequence in her box was over ten years ago, before she started working at Fallhole.

One day at work, Slothy was notified by her supervisor, Mr. Snake, that her dream had made it to the Movie Tech department. She and her co-workers were really excited because it’s a very rare experience. Only one of her dreams has ever made it to the Movie Tech department, and this was several years ago. That Friday, her camp, SHA-256 which included 14 workers got a pizza party.

On these pizza party days, Slothy gets to freely interact with her co-workers instead of being isolated in her cubicle. One of her good friends at work is Lily who is an artist. When Slothy’s pizza party day arrived, she spent most of the day in Lily’s cubicle, talking, dancing and laughing. While in Lily’s cubicle, Slothy felt really happy. During the end of the day, Lily grabbed Slothy’s hand and put a present in it. Lily told Slothy to open it up as soon as she got home, but not at work. Slothy was so curious to find out what was in it, but she decided it was best to wait til she got home, as Lily had instructed.

When Slothy got home, she placed the tiny present on top of her black dream box and patiently waited until her son returned home from school.

When her son, Icarus, opened the door, Slothy quickly explained about how she had won a pizza party that day at work and the gift that Lily had given her. She asked him to open the present.

Icarus was just as excited as Slothy as he ripped open the little box. To both of their amusement, a small sparkly unicorn jumped out and let out a long, high-pitched squeal. They could not figure out if it was a real unicorn, or an Augmented Reality projection unicorn.


Then, the unicorn trotted into the kitchen and opened a box of donuts. Slothy and Icarus were watching its every move, trying to determine if it was real or fake. Then the unicorn started spinning around on the countertop, producing low-grade sparks and mango-scented farts.

Slothy and her son began to laugh uncontrollably once they heard and smelled the unicorn farts. They looked at each other and said at the exact same time, “This unicorn is real.”

In the beginning everybody create.

In the beginning I create.

In the beginning you create.


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😄😄 you picked the same three scenes that I was narrowing down! These look amazing I especially love the unicorn one at the end. I have been trying to figure out how to represent dreams, what do they look like? Hmmmmm

made me think of the dream sequence :)

Yayyy!!!! I want to seeee ur entry I made a mess with paint in the room thanks Julia ...: S dreams hmmmm? dreams sometimes are "crazy."

Upvoted and Resteemed by the MAP-AAKOM community.

Yusaymon, this was simply a dream. Thank you for your artistic visions

hey i like the way u draw Unicorn her smile so beautiful :). bigooooo love it.

wow, amazing history. very nice art.

Your story is so beautiful. It was very good to see

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