In what Universe Am I headlining a Crypto Art show With OBEY tonight? in this one! :) blockchain Magic alignment - living in the flow

in #slothicorn7 years ago (edited)

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Memories from the future: moments where you see yourself aligned with your higher self and purpose, moments so tangible that molecules in your skin evaporate into light and transcendentally you levitate into bliss

how often do you feel these micro sparks? or massive elations, elevations, attunements

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I have been following my bliss, slaying through the fear, jumping rings of fuego to get here. and it feels so lovely.
Feeling thankful for these opportunities showing themselves, and having the support and cojones to ship art to all of the locations where an extension of this blockchain freedom can exist.

Tonight opening night in LA AT 6 PM come hang out and connect and let's keep up the magia!

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sharing this message of blockchain as a vehicle for freedom, decentralization of systems and redistribution of wealth is a dream come true, doing it through splashing art around is just pure bliss

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What do you want your life to look like? we are here to design it.
As the happiness oracle said: "envision the shape and form, color and light, of the thing you want to become, coat yourself in it in meditation, and you wake up fueled to become it."

Sounds crazy, but cliterally, it works.

Someone said to me yesterday: "I want to do what you do, just run around having fun and being an artist" im glad I can provide this image as the forefront of what this life mission looks like, I do have fun most of the time, because to me, enjoying a dream, creating it, and working 24/7 in all of the dimensions to make it happen is not mutually exclusive from having funventures

while sometimes I do stress out, I believe "working hard" is part of the old paradigm of beliefs, maybe working hard means just persevering through the micro tasks, painting another hour, or 11, or getting on 7 planes in 3 days, putting your body where your thoughts and words are, learning a new skill 44 hours on dtube whatever it might be, to get to where you want to be.

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There are times when I wonder how or why and a deep breath reminds me it does not matter, we define our own values, and we center our own heart compass. All of us are here to mirror one another and help solidify these light beams of goodness, and sometimes darknes, and so we work on ourselves, and healing each other, and the paths continue to unfold.

Love, love, love, love

are we acting out of love or fear?

love, love, love

Excited to paint at Coachella next weekend, euro and asia consciousness evolving caravans and linking with the coolest kids in the blockchain

What is your dream life? what is the first next step towards unvealing it?

Art show tonight!


Where in LA? I might show up.

hahaa no adress nice! let me add it thank you!

Great art, but please remove the #creativecommons tag or add a creative commons license to your post. Otherwise you might get flagged for tag abuse. More infos.

gracias! i had them auto haha thank you thank you and love yall <3 helpful constructive crit i love <3

You're welcome! You can still edit the tags, which I would kindly ask for.

I'm trying to keep the tags #creativecommons and #creative-commons free from unrelated content, because they're the only way of finding valuable creative commons content on Steemit right now.

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