Another sleepless blog (good feedback/cocoonself)

in #sleeplessblog8 years ago

It's been an exciting time of life. I've been going through the transformation. I've thought of myself as a seed all these years. I'm still malleable and open to learn, I feel like I've been in a cocoon! Really I've never felt my aspirations and creativity peaking out to break out s.o much before. I felt I have lived at the transition zone. You have to get up and move. It's like looking at that piece of marble before you make your first strike so you know exactly where you want to take it.

To me Steemit has been the most exciting social media site I have experienced so far!! I've had the best sorts of responses from things I say on my mind I put out into cyberspace. These responses are honest and intelligent. Have been introduced to a few perspectives here. There are more varied topics and interesting conversation on steemit. Keep it up everyone! Hitting the books now again to refresh my thinking and stimulate ways of talking and telling stories. The short time I've been on steemit has been great so far and I want to put more into it. I have been yearning for a opportunity like this. I won't put too much into it either, so I won't get disappointed but!

I really like the idea of the underground hive mind and steemit has great potential for that it seems to me. Be an underground thinker bee rather than the borg drone we're expected to be. I'm not a robot, a childs mind is not an empty vessel! It's 0's and 1's v.s. X's and O's. Just because I've been in cocoon mode doesn't mean it was empty.


Not bad @havok777 Hello, my name is Rissa, I joined steemit a few days ago. I love seeing people blossom in all the steemit posts. I find confessions, poems, bitcoin, the list can go on. Keep unraveling the layers that awaits the true you. I know you can blossom even more, now that you have seen your potential. blessings :)

@rissakoirtyohann Hi! I just seen your post on the carved pumpkins, good job!

I'd like to think I did good job myself. ha Thank you @havok777

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