How to Fall Asleep in 2 minutes.

in #sleep6 years ago (edited)

If you are anything like me then you are rarely able to fall asleep fast or only sleep like 4 hours per night because something is bothering you in the back of your mind and you can't sleep until you have accomplished. Yeah, I feel your struggle. I struggled with it as well, but not anymore. I learned a way how I can fall asleep in 2 minutes, sometimes less.

This also works anywhere which is another pro. What you will need to do is follow these instructions step by step and then there are some other factories that will also help and no I won't just say to stop drinking coffee and you'll be fine, these are scientific steps.

  1. Either sit in a chair or lie flat on your back.
  2. If you are lying flat on your back relax your face. DO NOT force yourself to close your eyes. Your eyelids actually have some weight to them so just let them drop and relax them. Make sure your whole face is relaxed and that you are not forcing anything.
  3. Now Let your arms go limp and completely relax them. Make sure you are relaxing them and just let them sink into the bed. If you cannot tense them for a quick second and then relax them and let them sink into your bed.
  4. Next thing to do will be your midsection. Make sure you are breathing nice and relaxed and not tensing. Just make sure you are breathing at your own pace. DO NOT force anything.
  5. Now move down to your legs and do the same thing as you did with your arms. Just let them sink into the bed. If you cannot do that automatically then tense them real quick like you are stretching and try again.
  6. Now that you have completely relaxed your body, it is time to relax your mind. Think of things that relax you or make you sleepy. Like lying in a hammock in the middle of the night outside. Or like you are floating on the ocean looking at the perfect blue sky and underneath you is perfectly clear blue water.
  7. Once all of that is complete just get every thought out of your mind and just calm yourself and think about relaxing images. Like mentioned above.
  8. Now you are ready to fall asleep if you even still are;)
    This does take a couple of weeks to practice, just do not force it. As well do not drink a gallon of coffee 5 minutes before bed. Those things do factor into it. Just clear the air and unstress yourself before bed. Make it the perfect temperature and then follow the steps above.
    -Best of luck to you, Nick G.

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