Improving Your Quality of Life by Promoting a Good Sleep?

in #sleep4 months ago

Everybody sleeps differently. Perhaps you are the one that always nods off as soon as their head reaches the cushion. But every night you could wake up exhausted from minutes of tossing and turning.

Knowing your chronotype will enable you to decide when is the best to go to bed. Sleeping well will come from knowing oneself better, as with anything else.

Even if there are occasional setbacks, if you have ascertained what is most ideal and sustainable for you by paying attention to scientific facts and your own experiences, it will surely be easier to return to the order you have built.


It's not typical, my sleep schedule. Should we strive to change his perception of this pattern? Several occurrences in a sequence of unexpected events does not always mean that an order is upset.

If you accept these changes as an essential component of your everyday routine, it will be easier for you to stick to the sleep pattern you've set for yourself over a prolonged length of time.

I know that occasionally the stress of having problems going asleep on top of the restless nights that keep you up is hard to handle.

Sometimes you're so anxious and tired that you just don't want tomorrow to come. Sometimes your agitated excitement keeps you from falling asleep, making you want tomorrow to come as soon as possible.

Every now and then an activity may require you to change your bedtime. Things like a flight, a night out with friends, a gripping book or movie, and work to be done make up life itself.

No need to give up on any of these beauties in order to have a good night's sleep. I'll go over a few themes and make an effort to reiterate them as often as possible to help you make the best choices for yourself.

Having a broad knowledge of sleep is beneficial first of all, without being too technical.

Scientists estimate that we sleep in cycles of around 1.5 hours. Four different phases make up every cycle: REM sleep is another name for the last stage; the first three are known as nREM phases.

Its moniker, "fast eye movement," comes from the rapid eye movements that occur during the REM stage. These eye movements are absent from Non-Rapid Eye Movement (nREM) phases.

The brief initial phase is the transition from waking to sleep. If at this point you hear a sound, you can simply wake up. Throughout the second nREM phase, the body temperature begins to drop, muscles begin to relax, and heartbeat and breathing begin to slow down.

As the stages progress, sleep becomes deeper and, as we move closer to the third nREM state, more difficult to wake up.

In the third REM stage of sleep, our bodies unwind, and physiological processes slow down. It's thought that during this point the brain heals, rests, and regenerates.

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