SKYFchain – Changing the face of Cargo Robotics.

in #skyfchain6 years ago


Unmanned systems, such as Drones and Cargo Robotics have a long and rich history, spanning many decades. With the huge advances and improvements made in technology, this has meant the capabilities and possibilities of these systems has increased exponentially. The broader trends we have seen within the technological forum are ones that show that exponentially, microchips and their capabilities increase in possibility and decrease in size at a rapid pace. Indeed – Moore’s Law (Gordon Moore’s predication that he made in 1965, Moore extrapolated that computing would drastically increase in power and decrease in cost at an exponential rate) goes hand in hand with the possibilities that one can see from the increase of crypto technology and the protocols that are arising from it. Aerial drones and their counterparts are becoming ever smarter, ever more adapt at harnessing the fast growing technology, and their autonomy is exciting and cost effective to all who use them. SKYFchain and their operating platform are eager to harness this technology, through the crypto universe, and access the highly marketable usage of airborne drones.
SKYFchain Operating Platform is a global scale platform, tackling the fast developing cargo robotics industry. This industry is one that is longing for time and cost effective solutions to their work issues. The benefit of unmanned vehicles and robotics are that there is no third party outlay, no extra cost for the transport of the product, and less possibility for human error. The operating platform will allow for all SKYF drones to be accessible to all clients and users, making it a transparent option for investment, and one that is incredibly low risk. The team behind SKYFchain is one that is well versed in engineering, and advanced technologies, thus making an extremely reassuring investment to any client.
The business plan that SKYFchain offers up is a coherent, decentralized model, designed with the human mind being the main consideration. This immediately makes this protocol one that is incredibly valuable to both customer and controller of operations alike. The fact that through Cargo Robotics and Artificial Intelligence labour, costs to business could be halved by up and over 50%, is a fact that is an incredibly tempting and an exciting possibility. I personally see this as being an apt and excellent use of blockchain technology, as it is operating on a global scale, with a fast growing market, with a huge amount of possibility.
The platform consists of Operations, which is Logistics provides and their clients, Regulations and Support, which is State Authorities and Market analysts, Financing, which is Leasing, Insurance(CAPEX and OPEX), and finally Hardware, which is the manufacturers and the service providers. The combination of this knowledge means that SKYFchain is a well rounded and transparent platform, ready to harness the power of blockchain technology that is becoming ever more prevalent. This becomes an integrated market, where all participants have access, and the ability, to organise contracts that are versed within the smart-contract protocol. Each transaction run through the protocol will allow the platform to collect a commission, all paid in USD, fiat currency but executed within the SKYFT token protocol. Each drone included within the platform will increase the reach of the SKYFchain platform, and so in the style of Moore’s prediction, as the number of cargo robotics increases, so too does the number of transactions, all the while decreasing the cost to the investor. The platform will exponentially increase in effectiveness and profit at a rapid pace.
SKYFchain are also introducing an exclusive service operations drone – the SKYF drone. This is a heavy and industrial grade cargo drone, capable of huge flying distances, the ability to take a load of up to 400kg, and easy take offs and landings, previously unheard of in regular, current drones. The market is not limited for this platform. SKYF drone is capable of fitting into many market segments, and its inclusivity makes it one of a kind. This platform offers a hugely secure network, through blockchain and crypto technology, meaning that any operations undertaken in the platform will require authorization within SKYFchain to operate.
SKYFchain is a private blockchain, and users within this protocol will reap the benefits from their investment at a rapid pace. The global capacity of this platform means that SKYFchain will quickly become the market leader in cargo robotics. Once the initial investment period passes SKYFchain will open up to other robotics and Artificial intelligence companies; however the initial investors will be the ones who reap the largest benefits. This platform is clearly an extremely worthwhile investment. Drones and Cargo robotics are the future. Mankind is forever searching for ways to increase profitability and decrease costs, and Cargo robotics is a prime example. Initial investors will see the profit from not only their investment, but then the further investment of others into the platform.
A huge plus for me, as a follower of blockchain technologies and investments is that there are already a number of huge clients interested and invested within this platform, including many big oil and Gas companies – some of the biggest that globally control the market. The business model also allows for a franchise option, pushing this platform to a global scale. The private blockchain network will increase the marketability of this platform, increasing its decentralized notion, and allowing for huge increases in profit and cost effectiveness.
I personally can only see huge potential within this platform, from solving previous transparency problems that old robotics and artificial intelligence forums have encountered, through to the rapid profitability and global scale on which this platform can exist. Cargo robotics, Drones and Artificial Intelligence are all undeniably the future for our global market. SKYFchain is harnessing this potential at an exponentially rapid pace, and with an extremely worthy platform, one that I am excited to observe, as I know it will be extremely successful.

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Drone technology will find its place in all sectors. The logistics sector is a good place to start.

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