
in #skincare7 years ago (edited)

I have always been lucky to have inherited good genes when it comes to my skin. I hardly ever get pimples but when I do, I find it embarrassing as any teenager would. My friends are always complimenting me on how smooth and radiant my skin is. I thought I could help anyone who wanted to know how to look after your skin. So here are some of my natural ways of preventing pimples and having a smooth face. All these images are orginal.
• I use Yardley Oatmeal facial wash, moisturiser and toner. I use the facial wash daily, the cream I use daily as well (I have a very dry skin type) and then I use the toner once a week.
• I am constantly drinking water with lemon and cucumber, which helps cleanse your body of any “dirt”.

I drink green tea at least twice a day.
• I wash my face before and after I exercise.
• I try my hardest to avoid touching my face.
• I use facial masks weekly.

• I use a nose pore mask every five days.
• I hardly wear make up as its not allowed at school but when I do wear makeup I wash the make up off before going to bed.
• I clean my make up brushes monthly to preventing old make up from blocking my pores.
I can imagine 2 questions doing through your head when you read my tips.

  1. How do I clean my make up brushes ?
  • I simply wet the brush and then massage my facial wash into the brush, rinse the brush with running water and leave it to dry over night.
  1. What facial masks can I use ?
  • I usually buy my facial masks, my favourite type of facial masks are the charcoal and chocolate.
  • However, you can also make your own homemade facial masks. I have taken the time to research some facial homemade masks and I have tried them on myself. I found two that worked really well.

• Oatmeal facial masks
Combine ½ cup of hot (not boiling) water and 1/3 cup of oatmeal. After the oatmeal and water have settled for two or three minutes, mix in 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 small egg white. Apply a thin layer of the mask to your face, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
( Try this mask on your hand before your face to avoid any allergic reaction)
The reason I liked this facial mask is because it’s easy to make and I didn’t need to buy anything for it.

  • I found this recipe on reader’s digest, there are many more facial mask recipes for you to try !

• Green tea cleanse
Squeeze out most of the water and rub the bag over your face for a few minutes. You can also use Rooibos Tea to do this. The reason I used green tea is because green tea contains Catechins which are natures antioxidants
This what i use for my nose pores




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