🎨 Art Posting / Sketching at Cartagena de Indias #4 ✏️🇨🇴🌊

in #sketch6 years ago (edited)

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Continuing the story from previous post...

Ok so where did I left? aah yeah so I was having this really cool and meaningful conversation with the argentinians and barcelonan and then one of the caretakers, who happened to be venezuelan (like me) but from the city of Maracaibo and it's very distinctive accent, joined us and brought beers! from then the argentinian girls shared some of the pasta they had cooked and it was all very nice, then somehow we started talking about marihuana and the barcelonan guy said he was actually waiting for someone who would sell him some, then a few moments later we were all smoking a joint together having fun, well I hadn't smoked like in 8 months or something like that, so I just took two really small hits...so didn't got baked it was just the right dose for me, then we started to say why not go and have a walk in the Walled city at midnight? and I thought it was a wonderful Idea, the hostel caretaker told us it was quite safe to do so I was completely hyped by the idea and if there is something I like after smoking weed is having a really long walk and if I'm alone just have these brainstorms analysing my feelings and thoughts and try figure out myself...so when I was ready to go out the others backed down and preferred to stay at the hostel...so well I went on my own to have my long walk in the walled city at midnight

The 1st thing I noticed was the huge amount of "sex-workers" at that hour, I felt a bit overwhelmed by it to be honest, it reminded me that earlier before arriving at the hostel I crossed path with some guy in the street who told me he could find me anything I needed, girls, drugs, whatever he had it at good price
So then while walking I started to think on this whole sex business thing, I personally cannot have sex unless there is some emotional nexus between, if that's not present it feels mechanical and void...I just don't like it.
So past that there was nothing really too exciting about the walled city at midnight to be honest it was all night clubs party, loud music (really shitty music), nothing of what I was looking for...which was more like a quieter place were to sit and watch the stars, the moon and the sea, I kinda found that place and just stayed there for hours contemplating the view but there was still all this noise from the clubs that annoyed so much that I gave up and returned to the hostel...

So when I reached the rooftop again the people I was hanging with were gone, probably went to sleep or dunno, however now the chilean girls that were partying earlier were sitting there playing some card game, I exchanged some words with them but I guess we really didn't connect much or I didn't really wanted to socialize so I went to enjoy my solitude stargazing at the top part of the rooftop, this was quietest place I could find and I guess I fell asleep for some hours dunno, when I woke up it was almost 4am I went down to the room where my bed was, it was actually filled with these double beds, mine was one of the top, and well everyone was already sleeping, I couldn't avoid it while climbing to my bed to stare at the chilean girl who was actually snoring but whatever that image got recorded in my head and in the next morning I woke up and did this drawing displayed here above

At 8am the hostel would give free breakfast so I didn't wait a bit and went to the rooftop area were the tables were and ate that breakfast which was scrambled eggs with patacones (fried smashed green plantain), it was quite good.

As soon as I finished I went to grab my stuff and head on to the beach...but I'll leave that story for another time.
See ya all, until the next post!




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Gracias por apoyar el post de @thelastpoet, Como recori colombia... buen dibujo y buen post.

thanks for help to my friend @thelastpoet, in your post . I liked your story and also the drawing

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