Soul loss
I lost a piece of my own soul, to a different reality, a real one but alternative.
I think that in the act of that loss, i stole a small piece from someone else's soul.
The lost of connection with that piece of soul, is gradually growing every day.
It hurts, but is a motivation pain, a pain that i don't want to loose, a pain that remembers me, remembers me the color, the bright and vivid colors. The most bright and vivid from last years, so bright and vivid that everything now is monochromatic.
I feel that loss of soul, mostly when i wake up, and in the impossibility of sleep.
Before i had a good relationship with loneliness, today that loneliness that used to be my friend, became unbearable and shows what it actually is, cold, dark and without color. A dark monster that wants me back.