Skate Video Share: Steem Skaters check this out.

Hey Steemit Skaters just wanted to share this awesome video. /I just found out about. It;s a vans video I havent seen till the other day. There are some gnarly long rails in this and some well put together clips of some also well thought out tricks, Lots of gnarly skater you have to watch on repeat to actually grasp what everyone does. haha. I also didn't even know of some of these skaters. Some guy does a overcrook on a bar above a ledge of a loading dock and nollie flips out, Again check this video out if you haven't already. So many good skaters it is unbelievable good punk music too.

Thinking of putting some new skate videos up when I get my new apartment and internet going. Where I am at currently is janky and to slow. grrr, Not the best place to upload to anything at all. So keep posted I'm gonna try and film some sick stuff and throw it on steem.


Kyle Walkers last 50-50 is just nuts.
Wish you settle in soon brother and start sharing more skate clips.
Stil can't understand how you did that Meat flip. It's just sick AF

I know this internet I have is shady so slow It would take hours just to upload a 5 minute clip. I move in november so hopefully I an get some fast wifi in my new place and totally get to uploading content. Also I can't even skate where I am at because I am out in the boonies. Theres a local park where I am moving too so hopefully i can film some sick tricks. Gonna have to land the meat flip on something cleaner too. Atleast try that was on a metal ramp they are easier on cement which this park is.

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