Downhill In Switzerland - Troilo

in #skateboard7 years ago

Need For Speed?

When you do not know where you're going, the speed of the trip does not matter. But we all now where we are going at the end: Death. No matter how fast we go, death always wins by a length.

Some people say that life is too short, that time flies to fast... But they are wrong to complain of the flight of time, accusing it of being too fast, without seeing that it flows at the right speed. You can just change your perception of it by changing your own inner or physical speed.

I'm always looking for speed and dynamism in my life, but also slowness and tranquility. You have to experience fully one of them, to enjoy the other.

Here's a video of my Sunday's Downhill. I'm riding my "Street" Skateboard, so I could not go as fast with my longboard (R.I.P). (My top recorded speed is 87km/h). Thanks to @mastodonte for filming me! He almost killed himself.. He didn't expect such a downhill, now he hates me. Haha. But I found this downhill pretty chill, isn't it?

Music Credits: Vexento - Eyes Closed

LongBoard - A whole different world

"It's crazy how people roll fast on the road. I notice that when I see how fast I have to ride to overtake them." A sentence I was often saying, 3 years ago, when I was doing a lot of Longboard. Going often faster than the cars in the city of Lausanne (Called the little San Francisco of Switzerland), Limited at 50km/h.

I was riding absolutely everyday, no exception, sneaking through the traffic on several kilometers down the streets.

One day, I broke my longboard in a crazy downhill (my wrist too), but that's another story... I will buy a new one soon, to rape the streets again with my burning wheels. I will also have to find a crazy and fast enough filmer.

Stay tuned for it!

Throwing at you all my love at the speed of light,


Great @Mastodonte. Next time ride a bike and fix the cam (maybe easier with a go pro). Cheers guys

Hey my favorite Raccoon! Yes that's exactly what we were saying. Or maybe being followed by a car would be nice too! After I've bought a new longboard I'll do that. ;-)


That was so cool. Your poor cameraman couldn't keep up. You look very confident on your skateboard which probably helps a lot especially those spins in the middle of the video on the steep downhill. It made you look like you were dancing down the hill. You're also right that changing pace is what makes life interesting and time worthwhile so it passes with resolve that you have lived. You are a philosopher in an athlete's body following the music!

Haha, yes, he's a bit traumatized now. :D But he's quite good since he skates since only 2 years. I look confident? Thank you. It's maybe because I skate since more than 10 years. ;-) I love to spin around, I should had done it even more, but after I feel dizzy, and it's dangerous in a hill bomb. Haha.

Thanks a lot for your kind words.

SweeT Br.OtheR .. errhm ?? .. Dr. TROY ! - ))))
ha ha - ))

Mastering 'time' .. by "roling with it" - ))
.. i like that 'appreciating' .. both ENDS - ))

BE_nDING + SE_nDING = BL(end-in)G ?? - ))
ahh .. sweet 'perception' = end-less-y FUN ! - )))

GreaT MusiC "choice" - ))

PumpeD & reSTEEMed ! - ))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

" .. my fist STEEM self portrait " - ))

Haha, Mc Troy, Dr Troy, Des TROY! Never Ending Sliding!

Thank you Greb'z! <3

Sweet I prefer the street board

Yeah, me too. Let's say mainly for street and freestyle. But in downhills, the feeling of powerslide is different, it slides much more easily, almost too much. So if you get too much speed, it becomes really dangerous. On the other hand, with a longboard, it's a way more "stable feeling". You can go much faster and throw some enormous POWERslide with no respect. (Here you really understand the meaning of Power in this word)

You got the POWER

That place looks really awesome I am going to have to visit at some point

id most likely shit my pants trying this one lmao. but this is awesome dude! you never seize to amaze me and wow that scenery is unbelievable !!! I have to make my way out there sooner then later:) great song to fit also!

Haha, I totally understand, if you're not used to it, you would probably be like my cameraman. :D (although he's quite good)
Yes the region in which I live is really beautiful to me. It would be so great to see you there one day. You could totally stay at my place for as long as you want. :-)

That was kinda fun ^^ Little shaky, but I can't blame that on your "unwillingly" friend lol

Yes indeed we had a lot of fun. Or I had a lot of fun. Haha, my poor friend. He had more fun on the second part of the downhill, but the first part was a bit to hardcore for him. :D

Haha, yeah...that suddenly falling down made me laugh though xD

Nice, I also go sliding with my friends.

Thank you. Sliding? What do you mean? With winter sledges? :-)

hahaha sweeeet! I hope @mastodonte is fine and will continue to record you!!

I'm fine but it was sooo scary to follow this crazy guy !

Hahaha. Physically fine, but psychologically traumatized. ;-) Kidding, he did a great bowl session right after that.


I did look scary! But you need a bit of scary to make it even more fun! Maybe that helped to bowl better =P

Life is really too short , Now a days to be succesful person one should utilize his precious time in good way..BTW that is good ..

Days are long, but life is short. Haha. ;-)

Thank you.

Awesome video...Speedy man in SkateBoard