Party Time With @steemjetnewbies/Happy Hour ~Week 2/4 ~ Day 14/30

in #sjnbparty6 years ago



You won't believe this party is part of me and everyday , I try so hard not to miss it. There had been no power supply since morning, but I bought fuel to update the party. Thanks so much to steemjetnewbies for this opportunity.

Today, dont wonder much where I am. I am beside the Nigerian number one Political Icon statue at Obafemi Awolowo University. And am beside the Icon himself , Obafemi Awolowo. Isnt that great?

When I grow up Icon! I wanna be like you. I enjoy the tales of you and love reading your history, It saddens me you couldnt fulfill it. That will be our only difference. I am gonna fulfil things and live long man. Chuckles.

Bigger thanks to @steemjetnewbies for this and thanks so much to @thekingttune who took the shot! Party on to the coming week. Love you all.

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