TIL: It's Currently 20°C Hotter In The North Pole Than It Should Be

The climate change has been discussed for years and years now - scientists have been warning the world about it, but our actions were simply not significant enough to decrease it.
Today, I read an article that the north pole is currently 20°C warmer than it should be. 20°C (36°F) that's an enormous difference!
That's the difference between being able to step out in a light sweater, or having to put on a thick winter jacket!

The average temperature of several weather stations around the north pole was only -5,6°C (21,9°F).
So currently, it would be possible to walk around the north pole with a regular winter jacket - but instead, the temperatures should be around -30°C (-22°F)!
Currently, it's polar night at the north pole - this is usually the time of the year where the sun can't reach the ice's surface, and ice would be supposed to thicken again.

Last week, the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) had already announce that this year 2016 has been the hottest since the beginnings of history.
The effects that this will have on our planet are so immense and complex, that it's hard to even imagine.
The ocean temperatures are also 25°F above average.
When the ice is already thin in one winter, (like it was last year) it melts much quicker the next summer.
But this also means that the arctic was ice-free much quicker than usual, and since water is much darker than snow, it doesn't reflect the warmth of the summer - it absorbs it. The water temperature rises, which makes it even harder for an ice layer to form in the next winter.

So what exactly caused these extreme temperatures in the north pole this year?
Jennifer Francis, a climate- and arctic expert, explained this in an interview with the Washington Post:
“The Arctic warmth is the result of a combination of record-low sea-ice extent for this time of year, probably very thin ice, and plenty of warm/moist air from lower latitudes being driven northward by a very wavy jet stream.”Hot and moist air masses in combination with the thin ice over the sea were the main factors. The so-called ***Jetstream*** also plays a very important role in this - it's a stream of air that flows from west to east, and the more the arctic is getting warmer in comparison to the equator, the more significant are its influences. But it's not only getting *hotter* everywhere - certain regions of siberia are currently facing a record-breaking *cold*. **Experts suggest that this is also linked to the Jetstream.**
A hot winter like this year's could result in a very thin ice layer that melts quickly in summer 2017, which in turn will cause problems for a new ice sheet to form in next winter. It's a vicious cycle, and humans desperately need to fight it.
Source for the TIL, Images: 1, 2, 3, 4
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© Sirwinchester
Sometimes, one statistic is worth a thousand words (and it's a good post also!). Thanks for putting things in perspective for us.
thank you for your feedback, appreciate it!
According to who's crack-pot models should it be 20c warmer in the arctic?
This AGW stuff has been thoroughly discredited by now. You should watch Christopher Monckton's latest discussions of how these climate models are cooked.
Yes @pwn thanks for pointing this out! Global warming is a Global hoax created by the same people that brought us the " War on Terror " that they themselves propagate and feed with their money and lies ! To say " Today, I read an article " does not necessarily mean that today you were given the Truth ! They say that carbon dioxide levels are too high when in fact the reverse is true, the carbon dioxide levels are actually too low and plants are showing signs of stress as ideed they need carbon dioxide to breathe ! This is an article which will back up that which I say here ! http://notrickszone.com/2013/05/17/atmospheric-co2-concentrations-at-400-ppm-are-still-dangerously-low-for-life-on-earth/
well, I'm not a climate expert. When I read the article from the Washington post, I just though that this would be interesting to share.
I am very sorry to say this @sirwinchester the Washington Post is a known Globalist rag and should never be cited as information ! We really need to stop spreading all their hype and fear as I see it ! I love what you do in this community really, but as you point out yourself its perhaps not your true realm. But I do understand the emotions which bubble up in the heart when one reads these sorts of articles, so I know that your reasoning behind this post were positive ones no doubt ! )
i've had to stop referring to it as anthropogenic global warming. people just stare at me with drool on their lip.
i just call it human caused global warming or human caused climate change, what ever keeps them learning. most people don't even have a context for the fact they are being fooled. some will engage if i play follow the money. this carbon tax stuff is huge money and control.
Monckton rocks! thank you for paying attention. also, check out @everittdmickey left a comment on the undersea volcanoes on this very post. it's always good to have extra ammo when battling the IPCC trolls.
The poles will melt and the deserts will see rain.
I know the climate is changing. I just don't see the end result being some sort of catastrophe as depicted in movies and alarmist facebook groups. As temperatures and sea levels rise, more clouds form. This water ends up dispersed all over the planet. Sure, coastal cities will slowly be devastated, as the inhabitants slowly move to the new coast, never learning. Dry land will become farm land. Farm land will become marshland. We'll see wildlife flourishing. People might learn to balance things, I doubt it. I'll be fine here in Saskatchewan enjoying a warmer winter and longer harvest season. Everything is going to be fantastic.
wow, I didn't know about those volcanoes, thank you for the input!
you're welcome.
I'd guess that a few thousand miles of volcanoes erupting underwater would warm it up some?
but wait...there's more..
also under the part of antarctic that's melting.
Last best guess is there are about 4 MILLION volcanoes on the ocean floor...kinda like...you know...Hawaii?
Hawaii is a special case...it's a 'hot spot'...not on the ocean ridge. The mid ocean ridge circles the planet like the seams of a baseball. forty THOUSAND miles...part of it's called 'the ring of fire'...
wonder why?
excellent work. most have never heard of this.
If it's caused by a jetstream and a certain type of air, what should humans be doing to fight it?
everything comes down to human behaviour - the jet stream itself is being influenced by climate change. http://www.climatecentral.org/gallery/graphics/climate-change-the-jet-stream
Gotcha, didn't realize the idea was that human behavior was influencing that stuff. I'm skeptical :) but that certainly answers my question.
And when I say I'm skeptical I don't mean that I think it's wrong. Just that it's my default when I haven't, like, looked into something thoroughly and independently confirmed the ideas and a lot of money influences the way scientists could be motivated to report it to us.
Thanks for answering.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
2016 was the hottest year of ALL TIME? No wonder the arctic is melting.. we need to stop it
yes, it's crazy how the climate change is getting more and more serious
thanks for sharing, very sad but important information!!
it's important to be spread!
20 degrees is a LOT … people need to take this serious now!
it's been the hottest year since the beginning of records!
wow, that’s crazy! I didn’t know it was THAT bad!
yes, it's getting worse..