How To Cope With Anger (And Release It Positively)

in #sirwinchester8 years ago (edited)

When you have lost all control, you are subject to the consequences following every action you take and every word you speak when the anger completely takes over who you are. 

Who you once were, before whatever had caused you to hit your boiling point, is no more. 

Anger is a very transformative characteristic when you take into consideration the negative energy that fuels that inner fire.  

Fire consumes everything in sight, and anger is the same, it aims to express itself through both physical and verbal expression.
However, through the release of this negative energy, we not only damage our peaceful state of mind and body, but everyone we directly or indirectly affect with our choices. 

Never make a hasty decision when driven by an irrational emotion. 

Uncontrolled anger is the destructive cause of many relationships that couldn't withstand its force.
Sometimes we let the situation and our initial reaction control the outcome rather than taking a logical, moral, patient and methodical approach, which is most beneficial to all people involved. 

Here are some helpful tips, suggestions, and ideas to assist you in controlling your anger when you know that you have been pushed to the edge of your limits. 

1. Think Before You Speak 

It's so easy to express your immediate frustrations and disappointments verbally and in the process destroy someone else's self esteem, an important bridge, or your own reputation.
Self control with calculated risks in mind is the best way to maneuver through life. Always keep your mind and senses sharp to adapt to any drastic changes that life presents you. 

2. Consider consequences before acting upon impulse 

The first idea that comes to our mind isn't always the best. It doesn't hurt to take a few minutes to calm down and reassess the situation to see what your next move will be.
Depending on the seriousness of the circumstance, you don't want to end up hurting someone physically, damaging private or public property, and being arrested and put into jail for a minor mishap that could have been handled on a more reasonable level. 

3. Release your anger with physical fitness 

Running, push-ups or any other physical movement that requires mental focus and body coordination is a guaranteed release of pent and stored up energy.
Some people even dance or workout when they are angry and it is only to their benefit as it is an exchange of negativity energy for positive self building, allowing you to express your frustration through something productive for a rewarding outcome.
Imagine how much healthier you would be if you did pull ups, 1 mile runs, and push-ups every time you got angry (and no I'm not referring to roid rage in the slightest)

4. Write A Steemit Post/Write It Down 

You don't need to focus on what you are angry about and go on a rant for everyone else to see.
People love to get involved in drama, directly or indirectly, and spread unnecessary gossip which isn't aimed to help you in the long run.  
Write about what your passion is. Be creative, and let your mind wander with your imagination. Writing is another way to express your emotions, as long as the writing is also geared towards something positive or as a release.  


5. Last but not least, Treat yourself 

I will leave this open to interpretation. Fight anger with self appreciation.
You know what makes you happy the most, so whatever it is, go after it.
It could be a nice meal at your favorite restaurant, a trip overseas, a simple movie night, a concert of a favorite artist of yours, hanging out with your best friend who knows how to cheer you up with a good laugh and create fun memories, etc. etc.
We are bound to get angry sooner or later, but it is how we handle ourselves in those moments that will determine the outcome of such situations.

Keep a positive attitude and a ready mind, and you will always come out on top, stronger and wiser than before. 

All GIFs from, Steemit Stone Logo by @rubenalexander

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© Sirwinchester


Yes I can relate to this, sometimes what I do is write an email or on notepad like for a Steemit post and just write what I'm thinking, then I delete the email and don't post what I had on the note pad and it maybe doesn't make me feel good but I do lose some of the anger I'm feeling.

great topic - so relevant! if only everyone would act according to these tips

if only - that would be great..

Nice Post, Love it! Nr.4 is a good point :)

Good post. I think it would be cool, if you gave @rubenalexander credit for the image he created.

losing control over your temper is one of the worst things to happen, because you have to live with the consequences even when the rage is gone...

that's true.. you should always try to think about the consequences before acting or speaking

a small gesture or a little sentence you say when you're angry can go a looooong way. I've already learned my lesson from this!

that's true, but hard to remember in a moment of rage!

very good advice, I hope lots of people read this.

glad you liked it!

Again... I'll remove the flag when you include a link to the source.

Thanks. I removed the flag.

Great blog post. I have found exercise like you are saying is the best method for me to cool down my anger.

yes, I can agree to that as well. And it's not just anger, also frustration or other negative emotions that you can release through physical activity

very good advice the issue is how to implement them in times of great anger congratulations post

thank you, glad you found it helpful.
Yes that's true - I guess it's a long journey and begins with baby steps.

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