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RE: New Discovery: Fighting Antibiotic Resistance With CRISPR ?!

in #sirwinchester8 years ago

Hi @sirwinchester - I admire your curiosity diving into any subject that catches your interest. But manipulation of genes with cut and paste ... I don´t believe in the sustainability of this approach. There is just too much mechanical thinking in it.
The human organism is not like a machine, where you can repair things mechanically. Live is a holistic self-emerging phenomena, which has to be understood more like looking at ecological systems. The paradigm of genes ruling every aspect of living systems is imho short sighted. The late findings of epigenetic factors show how cross linked the "milieu" is with the governance of cells. I like to give a hint to the ideas of Bruce Lipton and Rupert Sheldrake. The question is wether the genes (DNA) are the brain of the cell or mere the hard-drive, made for storage reasons. I like the findings of Lipton the cell-membrane being the true governor of the cell. The communication to the outside is crucial - like the brain and nervous system derives from the ectoderm as embryology shows.
I treat many patients successfully with problems coming from MSRA (resistent germs) - homoeopathy shows great effectiveness.
Why is nobody in the hospitals around, in medical colleges asking homoeopaths to treat these helpless people with MRSA infections? Many of them die! - It is the heavy and subtle domination of Medicine by big pharma. The colleges have been brainwashed, that homoeopathy cannot work. The bioscience companies are part of big pharma and lot of money is spended and earned there. We as homoeopaths merely have this knowhow of two centuries - no company can earn anything with us, the remedies are extremely cheap - so there is no investigations, no money going into research.
There has to be a paradigm shift - and I don´t see this coming soon. Only in India you can see some public consensus and homeopathy has it´s respected place there. Maybe homeopathy will be needed in future, when all this mechanical thinking, which comes along with the philosophy of power, has shown its flaws.

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