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RE: Super Mario Run For Smartphones: World's Most Popular Videogame Character Returns & Creates A Hype

in #sirwinchester8 years ago (edited)

You write really great articles. No wonder you get so many UpVotes. Excellent examples of great writing styles always. You're very disciplined. Myself personally, I would find it boring to write in such a style always as you do. You're a consummate professional (clearly), and your Wallet shows it !! ;) Well done - and thank you !! Writers like you give Steemit a shot at being really great !! This is what we should all be aiming for. This is where it starts - GREAT CLEAR CONCISE UNCLUTTERED COPY !! - and attention to design, links, images and so on. But the heart of the article is the writing style, and you have it. This is such a good example, i'm going to resteem it. Thanks so much brother. Good job!


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