I'm SIRIous about SIRI

in #sirius7 years ago

...SIRIus XM Holdings is one of the most grossly mispriced stocks in the universe and it has only gotten more grossly overvalued since news came out a few months back about Warren "the" Buffoon having a stake. I figger he bought in the 4.20 area is it was the most "logical" place for him to buy over the past year or 2. The news has kept price hanging out near $5 for most of the time since then. Today in premarket trading it was driven to 5.61. My long term short entry price was 5.57+. That's the high that was set when the news release was put out. people who bought that rally have been nothing more than "hopeful" ever since. Warren won't help you, sheeple. He just excercised his rights to move into Bank of America common stock. You want to "emulate" that? I didn't think so. SIRI signaling short term buy. I will play it to the high via the SIRI July 21st expiry 5.50 calls. Now at .09 market but .07 would be better as a start on this trade. SIRI trading "live" at 5.39 bid. 5.57+ is still my upsdie target so this gives me just under 2 weeks to acheive my double. That's what I shoot for.



Podcasts are just as popular, if not more. When Stern goes, Sirus will lose a lot of customers.

I think it'll be fun just to see what Stern says. He "can't" go becuz he's locked into a contract? I do know there have been times he was beitching about the SIRI stock price. But most of the videos posted on Utube where he is spewing may be as much as 2 years old. So no idear when he was beichin about it. We do know that Warren "the" Buffoon took a stake though so either he's the bigger idiot or something "sinister" is going on. And I know Warren's games and how he plays em. He's no great investor in "reality." BAC "should" see 25.80+ tho as a result of this new "Warren pump" initiated by the Wall St crooks.


Of course BAC is a bank stock..."almost" as bad as a gold stock since say Aug of 2016. :-)

7/27/17 update: Patients certainly paid off on getting SIRIous about SIRIous. That SIRI call trade I posted was off by 1 week. But my sell call won't be. Targeting the SIRI Oct expiry 5.50 puts as 5.87 gets breached. Low on that contract was .08 and "should be" matched as the high goes bye bye.


Correction, those are the SEpt expiry $5.50 puts. Last trade at .09 and I will log that in as a trade as well as a 5.89 sell price on SIRI. Target of zero within 1 year. GRRREAT errrnuns today tho. No bout a doubt that. :-)

8/30/17 update: As "promised" SIRI moved through 5.60 and breached the high of 5.67 that needed to get taken out, which was set after my 8/9 spew. There ya go, dankh, make some money for a change. Next downside target is 5.20...according to the 1 year daily chart.


Do you see it, dankh? No? Hang in there, you will.

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