How Far Away Is the Singularity

in #singularity7 years ago (edited)

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The Singularity is a theoretical point where machine intelligence surpasses the human mind in intelligence. Because machine intelligence moves forward several million times faster than the human mind, once we are even, it will pass us at a rate we are not able to comprehend. This point is called the Singularity because it is likened to the event horizon of a black hole. Because light cannot escape a black hole, it is impossible to see into the interior to know what is happening.

Because machine intelligence is not human and moves so fast, it will be impossible to actually know with any certainty what will happen to the human race once we reach the Singularity. The techno optimists believe it will be a time of abundance and prosperity. The pessimists envision human enslavement or worse, the end of the human race - see "The Terminator I. II, III, and IV." The prognosticators with the best batting average are placing the Singularity at 2040 to 2045. Some say as early as 2030 and some say it will never happen because there will never be actual machine "intelligence."

I have been watching this debate unfold since reading Ray Kurzweil's book "The Singularity Is Near" in 2006. If you are at all curious, I strongly recommend this book. I also touched upon this phenomena along with many other future issues such as robotic civil rights, radical longevity, mind scanning, etc. in my book titled "Pardon the Disruption. The Future You Never Saw Coming." I was published in 2013 and my predictions concerning autonomous robotic vehicles is dead on accurate for 2020. Anyway, what are your thoughts on the future? Abundance or despair? What is the Steem Community consensus?


we should pray for it to happen considering our self-destruction spirit and actions we're on

I want to see a real terminator .

Bots vs humans already going on in crypto trading . Guess what bots are winning .

Nice one

I hope we control the machines .

This is a fascinating topic, so many diverse and interesting questions humanity hasn't even begun to think about yet. I read this article recently, and tried to pose a few questions of my own, check it out:

Good post, Royce. I have been pondering all these possibilities for 12 years, now. The future is coming faster than we realize.

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