Siaynoq - The Movement against Sin. I may be called Shaitan.

in #sin7 years ago (edited)

(cy'ya'nock) Honor those who speak with gronk and truth. It is Usal, the strength at the base of the pillar. Die living. The Golden Path. An orgy of human expansion in consciousness. Be aware, do not beware.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

An only child begins this alone. One. This movement will have no marketing, no monetary profit, and is done so that we may as humans break free from a cycle I've determined to be true......Sincerity. I know that sounds a bit crazy, but after spending 30 years reading, traveling, evocating, praying, observing, and understanding patterns; cycles, rhythms, waves. Energy. We've only scratched to surface of potential, but something will always be our undoing, us. In Sin. It is my belief Saturn emanates some sort of energy that we have a negative reaction to, and that this reaction feeds itself. These energies may also be harnessed. Saturn is the key though, it's a monster. An organism. Fear. When humans advance we are destroyed, with sin cerity. Sincerity is a new beginning, absolutely, through; sin, symbols,chaos, and destruction. The key is being aware of the cycles existence, and knowing its cause; SIN. They are very deadly for a reason.
There was a man, probably black, who also spotted this cycle. Sin, and your redemption therein. His name was Jesus. Now, this is not a commercial for the, man, Jesus; but a new understanding. A certain group of people on earth use blood and Sin to rule. Jesus knew what the pharisees were preaching: redemption through sin, and the Talmud. The Pharisees set you up with temptation and greed, usury, lust, etc. Lie. Jesus warned us and we did not listen. Sin. Be redeemed through him, and not Sin. Why?
Ever hear of Nassim Haramein? Well he has proven there is a great energy in the "vacuum" of space itself, Tesla also mentioned it. The entirety of our universe, all galaxies, planets, etc comprise only .0000099% of the actual energy of the universe. Energy is never destroyed only converted. We want to get our energy into the void and not to Saturn because that is suffrage. Space isn't space, it's everything all around and in you, you are made up of space. In this space is energy. Saturn uses our energy. It's done through the use of symbols: cube, triangle, pyramid, hexagon/gram, pentagon/gram. Temptation to Sin. All major religions of the earth worship Saturn. It is the black cube. What shape is the hat when you graduate? The black robe. Saturn is EL. Do you want to be ELite? If you do you'll need to sin your fucking ass off. When i became fully aware of all this and accepted Jesus's sacrifice, my life changed immediately in a deep understanding. The clarity is now stunning, and i speak with God and not Saturn(Satan). It really is like the angel and devil on thy shoulder. The voice in my head would always justify sinful behavior in me, would proactively tempt me and think of new excuses for me. That has changed. Now this voice is .... fatherly, it redeems my good behavior and lets me know when I am making excuses for myself. Stunning. The feeling is, beautiful. I see an opportunity for humanity as we transition into a decentralized information zeitgeist. If the people of the earth would simply realize that a Sin free existence would lead to great strides in humanity, and lead to a greater understanding of this universe of energy. This is Siaynoq:

  1. Not Religion.
  2. Hello/Goodbye (honor each other, humbly)
  3. Our focus is to not Sin, to spot Sin within us, and to educate ourselves against it.
  4. An ode to truth.
  5. An ode to Jesus, the man. Believe in a universal energy and you may come to believe it can be expressed.
  6. We are human, not races. All are welcome in the movement.
  7. Personal empowerment for better generational growth. Education is paramount, enabling one to succeed. Problem solve.
    A. Education is free thought and the expansion therein. Base learning should be keep to a moderate platform of language and math. Let the human learn where they feel compelled to learn. Teach understanding that it is ok to be who you are, be it a leader or someone who likes to support a leader. Find your role, respect and honor all roles in community.
  8. Energy. It is time we as people demand the release of Nicola Tesla's wireless free energy patents that the U.S. Government seized upon his death. Our new economy is energy and information focused, the potential is there, demand it. Also LFTR see below.
  9. Water. Paramount. We as humans need it, clean. All fresh water of the earth should be property of the people of the earth, not corporations. We must demand the clearing of risk from our fresh water resources, period. No fracking, no pipelines on or under lake michigian, etc. Shut down all nuclear reactors the are essentially water boilers.....the waste is astronomical. ... precious water. We must demand the conversion of these facilities to LFTR technology. Liquid fluoride. Instead of poisoning our population with fluoride in the water supply, it should be put to a different use.
  10. We do not judge, we discriminate, against Sin. We all will Sin, understand we are not perfect. Simply being aware is a start.
  11. Health: we all deserve a treatment system that is viable to humans, and one that uses what the earth has given.
  12. Social order: once Sin is realized, there will be much less envy and greed. Need. This will play out naturally, if you do not greed or envy do you need a 5000sq ft house?
  13. Long term focus. Really long. Nature is beautiful, let us keep it so. This means no plastics, and everything must be recyclable or biodegradable within a short period.
  14. The physical universe is hostile, let us not be that towards each other, communicate. I think we'll find that if you remove Sin from the equation all of us can get along quite well.
  15. Never allow our autonomy as humans to be threatened by any central force. Ever again. (Banks, Government, Nationalism)
    Now, here is our enemy:

Learn to be aware of them, and the ramifications of their existence. I love you all. Humbly and respectfully, Siaynoq.

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