Simulation or consciousness? Science has decided materialism is not a valid world view

in #simulation7 years ago (edited)

But of course we're in a simulation. Our creator is probably some teenage hacker in the next universe up.* 😂😂😂

*That does not mean we are robots equivalent to characters we create in MMORPGs. We have consciousness. The spiritual world is base zero reality. Consciousness collapses the wave function and turns waves into particles. Thus our thoughts and our conscious focus have a material impact. In the delayed choice double slit experiment, our observation of waves turns waves into particles, but not only that. The waves change to particles before the observation took place, thus changing their orientation by going back in time.

On this basis, how we choose to observe in the present a photon that came from billions of light years away, determines how a photon decides how it behaved billions of years ago. John Wheeler's prediction has been confirmed. It doesn't make sense to our limited materialist world view. It only makes sense if we are in a simulation where all parts are equidistant in space-time with respect to the simulation like in a video game or in a dream. Thus space-time are manmade constructs where Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" and time travel can occur with ease.

Space and time are therefore not absolute properties of nature. Science has decided materialism is not a valid world view. Most physicists agree now that matter is probability distributions. When you look, they appear. When you're not looking, they remain as probability distributions. This is why quantum computing holds great potential.

"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness." - Max Planck

"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real." - Niels Bohr

About Dr. Chris Kacher

Dr. Chris Kacher has appeared on major television, radio, and print programs and is the bestselling author of "How We Made 18,000% in the Stock Market". He founded Creative Trading Ltd, a company aimed at helping others invest in cryptocurrencies. He is currently launching a pro bono cryptocurrency fund and has been an investor in various cryptocurrencies starting in 2013 including STEEMIT when it was founded in 2016. He is the co-founder of and has co-authored several books in investments as well as over 100 scientific journal articles in the nuclear sciences. He helped to discover element 110 on the Periodic Table of Elements as well as confirm the discovery of element 106 which his team named Seaborgium after his UC Berkeley Ph.D. thesis advisor Professor Glenn Seaborg. His music has also charted on the iTunes music charts twice.

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