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RE: My Simulation Theory Hypothesis

First of all....any post that says hot tub and whiskey musing gets my upvote!

As for super-intelligence. I personally hope it happens in the last year of my life. So I can see it, but don't have to experience the effect and aftermath of it. :-)


I try to explore not just the doom and gloom side of it, but also the incredible advances it could provide. If we really do discover super intelligence (and can keep it benevolent towards us), you may not have to die. Guys like Kurzweil are convinced life extension will be part of the non-tech, super intelligent future we might experience. Exciting times to be alive, that's for sure. :)

And yes, all good musing should involve whiskey and a hot tub.

Hopefully the super intelligence can bring my a hot tub time machine. I want to go party in the 80's again! ;-)

All kidding aside, it will be very interesting to see how technology continues to develop in coming decades, the advances in the past 20 years are mind blowing as is. Good post, thought provoking.

Thank you! Yes indeed, it's an amazing time to be alive. Almost too amazing... Almost like it was planned. :)

Then again, with 7B people, more are alive now than many times before so chances are good we'd be born now. Then again, it also suggests that great filter is ahead of us and populations won't grow to colonize the universe.

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