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RE: My Simulation Theory Hypothesis

in #simulation8 years ago

I've been thinking about this a bit lately. With the release of No Man's Sky, I started to wonder if our world might be procedurally generated. You know when you meet someone, and they seem to have qualities remarkably similar to someone you used to know, their facial features and their mannerisms. Is it just because you want to compare things to what is familiar, or is it because those things actually are similar? And could it be because the settings for their character came out close?

Like these guys... completely unrelated, look like brothers


I haven't played No Man's Sky yet. I think if I did, I might get lost in it.

Interesting idea. The gene pool is diverse, but it's also not inconceivable that shared genes from distant relatives for dominant traits stuck around to produce very similar people. It's almost like evolution is the programming language, matter the operating system, and consciousness the program.

I haven't played it either. The reviews make it sound pretty boring, but it intrigues me as a concept.

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