
what does this have to do with gridcoin?

i was assuming we were allowed to be sort of loose with the gridcoin hashtag, and i was using this post as precedent. $55 worth of upvotes... vs. a report to steemcleaners. holy crap, i feel like a part of the community now. thanks guys. <3

I agree we you @peppernrino that bringing in steemcleaners is not appropriate, we as a community should be able to handle it ourselves.

I did add comments to other "similar" messsages using the gridcoin tag in the past to better understand the rational of selecting this tag. There might be very obvious reasons but this was not clear to me.

Finally, I'm a relatively new member to the community and I was not aware of this arrangement as you mentioned above. Are there any other agreements which new community members should know about?

lol. i honestly don't know how to respond to this... very leading question. :D

the whole steemit thing was supposed to be some community endeavour... and it's quickly devolved into the same pick & choose news cycle pamping it's always been. and now censorship.

i was told by steemcleaners that we should think about making an official "gridcoin-team" curation tag or something, to which i replied "well, what sort of content would be decided as 'official' then? seems obvious that my content wouldn't be included in the pile.. etc". they agreed that our community should stop headhunting each other.

so, whoever reported this... your goal is to make our community look weak... and i don't think you belong in the community. nuff said.

Thanks for the clarification @peppernrino, learned something about the gridcoin tag and it's use.

It has been posted by a member of the Gridcoin Community!! So surely the #gridcoin is to attract the attention of other community members!!

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