SIMPLYBRAND = Because every purchase is important. Digital trading by Blockchain, AI and you consider reliable

Counterfeit goods or KW are not only limited to bags or clothing. Makeup and asphalt perfume aka genuine but fake has also mushroomed, especially with the rise of online stores. It's no secret that many online stores sell fake products. Buyers also usually realize when the product has arrived at hand so that it will not be able to do much. Therefore, Ladies must be very careful when buying products in online stores. Not only about brand names, but also product safety at stake. This fake product may use toxic materials that endanger the lives of users.

About simplyBrand
The purpose of simplyBrand is to create a platform with integrated AI model and machine learning technology to detect forgery. Participants in the multitude of sources will be encouraged to support the review of unidentifiable elements throughout the process. The counterfeit information is then published in the block, which is inevitable and readable by everyone. In addition, two main features will be released along the way, leading more parties to the platform to reach the goal of developing the platform into a self-managed ecosystem. By combining these advanced technologies and the development of mechanisms to control the platform itself, our solution will be able to

simplyBrand will provide a solution to this problem by building a platform with an integrated AI model and machine learning technology to detect forgery. Crowd acquisition participants are encouraged to help control the unidentifiable elements, while the counterfeit information is published in the block, which is unchangeable and readable by anyone. In addition, two major features will be released along the way, which will lead more parties to the platform to reach the platform's goal of becoming a self-managed ecosystem. By combining these latest technologies with new mechanisms to control the platform alone, we can find solutions

Brands use the simplyBrand platform to request trademark protection services.
Human Layer will report false products directly or work with the AI ​​to verify the authenticity of e-commerce products. The human layer will consist of participants of the Crowdsource and third parties.

The simplyBrand platform combines AI, human ingenuity and blockchain technology to create a solid "black list" of counterfeit products.

The blockbain SBA tokens will encourage human layers to use the simplyBrand platform.

Since all consumers know that every purchase is important, Brenda simply wants to help them by preventing counterfeiting. simplyBrand understood the power of blockchain and managed to combine it into AI and crowdsourcing to set up a new kind of service to help consumers and businesses fight their worst nightmare.

With easyBrand's established AI and Machine Learning technology, our platform effectively collects new data and validates counterfeit product information, effectively helping counter-counterfeiting effectiveness online.

By using the unalterable and distributed features of the block chain technology will simply publish the blacklist in the block chain and effectively reduce the actions of counterfeit retailers by increasing their business costs and creating new barriers to continued operation.

As we know, it's just that fire for forgery is included by all market actors (clients, brands, manufacturers and interested parties in general). The reasons why this should be done by means of a blockchain are many. But for me, two are very important:

The first is the security and confidence Blockchain gives to all the actors in the project (the clients who review the products, the brands participating in the process, the ever-expanding database that comes from these operations). To make sure that every counterfeiting report is a footprint, using blocks is a must!
Second, it is important to commit people to create an accurate blacklist for counterfeiting. The problem would be: “How can this list be used effectively? How can we change reports / votes / lists into a threatening tool for counterfeiters? "SimplyBrand had the clever idea of ​​publishing its blacklist in a blocket. This effectively reduces the flaw of counterfeiters by increasing their costs and creating new barriers to their business. The market itself will then be something of a nightmare.

Brands use the simplyBrand platform to request trademark protection services.
Human Layer will report false products directly or work with the AI ​​to verify the authenticity of e-commerce products. The human layer will consist of participants of the Crowdsource and third parties.

The simplyBrand platform combines AI, human ingenuity and blockchain technology to create a solid "black list" of counterfeit products.

The blockbain SBA tokens will encourage human layers to use the simplyBrand platform.

Process 1
E-commerce platforms are continuously scanned for product information to create a growing database of millions of product profiles.

Process 2
The data is analyzed using AI, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Analysis, Image Recognition Technology and Human Low to verify that a particular product is real or fake.

Process Flow 3
Once a product is identified as forgery, a third party can have access to product information, remove difficult product pages, report the status of their work to the platform and claim their rewards.

Human Layer receives tokens as a reward and can also use them to buy or sell trademark privileged items on the simplified land platform.
Trademarks can buy tokens when they trade trademark protection services on the simplyBrand platform.

Calculator The simple Brand ecosystem helps brands measure the potential revenue loss on online markets.
The system will work to create transparency in e-commerce so that brands can better understand their knowledge of counterfeiting and how to correct the problem.

CONCEPT 2 Detection of
counterfeit currency risk
The counterfeit detector anyone can easily submit a product URL, and the merely brand platform evaluates the risk of forgery based on a percentage score.

DAPP MVP to contribute
with ease and pleasure
Everyone can be an expert on the fight against forgery through the simple brand Dapp, because you contribute to your favorite brand to buy and buy exclusive products.
It's easy to sign up and start your journey against forgery while getting SBA sign. Each brand offers specific products or services as a reward, which can be exchanged in the Dapp in SBA sign.

Token: SBA
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 1,000,000,000 SBA
Price: 1 SBA = $ 0.0500
Payment: Eth
KYC: Not


40% sell
5% adviser
5% bounty
10% main investor
10% team
30% reserve

Distribution of collected funds
45% Developments
5% Administrative costs
5% Legal costs and supervisory authorities
10% Business development
15% Operating expenses
20% Marketing


May 2013
easy mark launch with the supply of Big Data and a branding solution for AI.
October 2017
Expected demand for counterfeit products from existing customers, obtained from RFP.
May 2018
design unit KICKOFF with confirmation of MVP market
May 2018
design unit chain KICKOFF easy mark. io including review of MVP market
November 2018
POC1 Impact Calculator
December 2018
PoC2 contract risk indicator
April 2019
SaaS app for brands and CRL to release chain block
in July 2019
SaaS application for online law enforcement
November 2019
Check - wordpress online
February 2020
Integration of third party applications online



White Paper:
Telegram: http: / /
Facebook: http: // bit. ly / simplybrandfb
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