ASDF: The Simplest Explanation for Steem's Key Characteristics for Long-Term Growth

in #simplest-explanation8 years ago (edited)


So I've spent some time over the weekend attempting to summarize Steem's ingredients for long-term growth. What is it that makes it tick? I had to answer my mum as well and I wanted a simple, streamlined explanation. Here's something easy to remember: just remember ASDF!

Steem is Antifragile, Superconductive, Darwinian, and Fun!

1. Anti-fragile

Steem is anti-fragile. It does not merely withstand a turbulent market, but becomes more appealing under such conditions. The reason is this: value is subjective within the Steemit network. This enables the decentralized community to organize itself to independently unearth Steem's value streams. Experimentation is key.

The absence of heavy-handed censorship also means that risks are not artificially suppressed like what most traditional, centralized organizations do. This keeps the community on edge to continuously learn and fix problems along the way, instead of dealing with a massive blowout from years of risk suppression. Even Steem's failsafe is designed to avoid total market meltdown: 2 years of slow death from Steem Power liquidation. An ample time for the community to work together to regain market confidence.

2. Superconductive

Steem's value distribution mechanism is as simple (and as fast) as our decision to upvote, downvote, or ignore. If each individual Steemian represents a neuron in the brain, then Steemit is the ever expanding collective consciousness. It is designed to be low-barrier, low-resistance in all forms.


All you have to do is think about stuff, do stuff, and then get valuable feedback from the community. Steemit is speeding up conscious and meaningful communication. It's like fitting everyone right next to each other in one human mind. Learning and empathizing at the speed of light.

3. Darwinian (non-violent)

With thousands of stories being shared everyday, attention tends to converge only on select articles. The network's collective valuation for stories fluctuate over time, and no one single topic stays in the highlight forever. There is a sruvival of the fittest element to the posts on Steemit, albeit non-violent ones. You just fail to meet personal expectations.


There is also a Darwinian incentive not to disparage others and abuse the system. In that, I believe strongly that our collective minds will ensure Steem's survivability in the long run. It is what makes us different from other animals - our ability to adapt, and collaborate on a massive scale.

4. Fun

Every action that you perform on Steemit yields actual rewards, even if intangible through the many interpersonal connections that you make. Find your voice, be whoever you want to be, and do anything constructive in the platform. It's very liberating.


Instant gratification is also built into the system with dollar signs as its gamifiication factor. Plus, developers are constantly building fun and interesting applications on top of Steem / Steemit. At its core, Steemit is a social platform with the added surprise of rewards. What's more fun than that? Fun is a sustainable activity.

Looking back at the ASDF, I'm almost convinced that Steem / Steemit is modeled after the human brain. May the global collective consciousness be tapped into like never before.

Follow me @kevinwong


@kevinwong I'm going though many of your older post. I'm slowly learning. Still a lot to learn.

Hey @duanesworld, thanks for going through although i'm not sure if there's much to learn!

You just demonstrated in one GIF why crypto needs more ladies and why Steem is kicking ass.

The Fun Factor of Steemit as illustrated, will probably have the greatest impact on the widespread Fan base Steem will have in future.. What say?

Great post I will be featuring it today:

This is a nice way of looking at things and made a lot of sense. But the best part I liked was

There is also a Darwinian incentive not to disparage others and abuse the system

This is what will be the foundation for the system to build upon and flourish.

great stuff, mate.

I'd recommend possibly doing a part two to this, expanding out on each of the points...

I think especially the anti-fragile piece could be incredibly valuable if you can properly articulate WHY the system is anti-fragile.

with questions of Steemit's sustainability, helping to break down the details of what exactly makes Steemit anti-fragile would be very interesting to investors, speculators, skeptics, and help generate clarity on where the strength in the system lies, that is currently not/misunderstood...

Thanks man! Considering it, did a small patch, but expanding it may be a great idea.. Thanks again for the constructive input! :)

@kevinwong You are truly doing it! Keep up the good work and spreading the STEEMIT news.

As the system is not 100% tested, there will probably be attack vectors to test fragility. Antifragility isn't an out-of-the-box spec, but it will probably evolve and get perfected over time. In a way, it will be perfected through "resilience".

Well said brother :)

We will grow for a long time !

Ha ha enjoyed your post, was a fun read. Liked how you got across your ideas, and agreed with them too. Carry on Steeming!

Thanks man glad it was a fun read :)

Long term growth has everything to do with unknown. Check out my Area 51 explanation of why Steemit is relevant.

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