
Unless this is your video, I hate to say it but this is just the type of stuff that we don't really need.. Spam... Taking a video from YouTube and randomly pasting in the link with no content, no story, no info is spammy.. Doing it if it is not your video is pure plagiarism, theft of content and a testament to an attitude of laziness and trying to get ahead without actually putting in the work..

For fucks sake I put more work into this comment than you did with the post...

If it actually is your video then add something in the title on youtube to depict it as such, or at least add some content here...@pawsdog..

I'm sure the limited following I do have would agree, hard working other posters like @tombort @aussieninja @cryptogee etc..As a guy who busts his ass everyday on steemit.. I'm going to downvote this and I'll happily remove if its actually your video, and you add some actual content..

lablony, he is correct, you should be posting work that YOU have done, not just copying videos from youtube.
I do not want to just take the word of a random person on here that you are spamming, but I am going through your blog and it looks pretty spammy. Why are you posting so much bird stuff in 'introduce yourself'? Really, a person only needs one, maybe two posts in that category. Although I like to believe the best about people, it seems you are quite the spammer. Why not try making an actual post about a topic of interest to you with YOUR OWN work,and see how that is received?

He's not going to respond because he does not really care, he is just trying to catch a penny here.. a penny there.. posting continuous bullshit videos every 15 minutes in introduce yourself? Really... Did you use your power to downvote? and help clean this garbage up?

he has put like 15 videos of birds in the introduce yourself section and every 15 minutes he throws another one in.. Also this does is take up space for real authors that are trying hard and really want to be introduced and get some exposure.. It fucking irks me...

Yes, I downvoted a few things of his.
How annoying...
I came here because of your post about downvoting, and Im very new to steemit, but Ill take your advice and try to downvote the crap posts when I see them. I guess I was hesitant to do this since I am new, and who am I to come here and judge others? But I see the need and will try to help. :)

thanks.. we have to police ourselves... :) I'm not scare to downvote and it keeps this kind of BS from pushing authors that work hard off the list..odd though I don't see the downvotes..

For a minute I thought I did it wrong, but yeah, they are on there, from a few hours ago. I only downvoted 3-4 things, and later Ill probably get on the computer and do some more. Busy day here. :)

No worries, thank you... :)

Stop stealing content and stop flooding the news feed with miscategorized posts.

You kill me? I think a tactical nuke of a downvotes is about to land on you... if you keep spamming posts like this and posting garbage. It hurts other authors that actually work hard here and post real content.. I'm not an authority by any means so I will defer to a more experienced steemian to judge.. @donkeypong If I am wrong he will downvote my comment and I will pay a price.. as stated I am happy to remove any flags if you actually post content and not just spam youtube videos.. I went through and most of your videos are from different authors all over youtube so I'm pretty sure it's not you...I'm pretty sure you are just stealing their content to make money with their work... but I could be wrong...

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