Look at these beauties I just ordered!

I think I have finally found a decent coin seller on Facebook and placed my first order. Hopefully, I won't get scammed!

His prices are actually pretty good and way cheaper than the collector's e-shops we have in my country. So good, I will try to resell them only to buy even more!

Here's my purchase. All old, all made of silver:


The coins are:

  • 1 drachma George A (1873)
  • 1 drachma George A (1910)
  • 10 drachma, Dimitra goddess (1930)
  • 20 drachma, King Paul (1960)

In total I paid 30 euros while in a shop they would have costed a minimum of 50!

More info and photos upon arrival in a few days. If I don't get scammed that is, lmao.

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