We don't "Borrow" Rental Cars and Pay "interest"...steemCreated with Sketch.

The Key....JPG

No, we don't Borrow Rental Cars and Pay Interest...

We Rent the Rental Cars and pay Rental Fees...

Except for our Common U.S. Coinage, the same goes with the Currencies we've been using...

We're actually Renting the Currencies we use, and Pay Rental Fees for their use...

The Central Bank Owners are in the Currency (Rental) Business...

We the People have been "Bamboozled" since our Country was Founded and talked into Setting the Face Values of our Silver and Gold Coins too low...

The Central Bank Owners like to "Keep us Confused"...

They don't want us to know what's really going on...

Well, that's all about to change in the "Very Near Future"...

At least, that's what I'm expecting to see happen...

We the People own the Rights to all U.S. Coinage, so why are we using Rental Currencies and paying Rental Fees...???

Let that sink in for a while and leave a comment...

This song came to me when I was singing in the shower, so I decided to add it to my Post...

There are those of you who think what I write will never happen, because it seems so impossible...

It's not impossible, and it will happen in the "Very Near Future"...

Trust me...

It saddens me to think that people are still Cashing in their Common U.S. Coinage, when we're so close to the U.S. Monetary Correction...

When I was growing up, I could have brought 20 Nickels to the Bank and Exchange them for a Silver Dollar...

Keep in mind that I can still obtain 20 Nickels for 10 "Clad" Dimes...

Our Nickel Coins are the same now as they were when they first started out...

We will have Silver Dollars again soon, but they will only contain 1/10 of an ounce of Silver...

They will be "Collector Coins" this time around, and have a slight premium attached, but I'll be able to go to the Bank and Exchange 20 "Clad" Dimes for a 1/5 Ounce, $2 Silver Coin...

Our $2 Silver Coins will have the Spending Power of 200 of today's Fiat Dollars...


There are 20 "Clad" Dimes in each Stack, so do the Math...

Keep that in mind the next time you cash in your "Clad" Dimes at the Bank or dump them in a Coin Counting Machine that charges a fee...

It's almost time to post this blog, so I better stop here...

Let me know if you "still" have any questions or concerns...


Yes I actually agree with you. The word borrow should not be used when I am renting something. I am renting because I am actually paying the rental fee

We're taking our Freedom back... It won't be much longer, so prepare for it..

Yes I am so sure of that. It is just a matter of time. The freedom we desire we will someday achieve it suddenly

Most of the time, it actually looks like the central banks owners are actually using us just to keep up with their own pace and self want

Their goal was to own us, totally and completely...

It will really be great someday to have silver dollar back actually. The world needs it

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