It looked like 2 different types of Gold...steemCreated with Sketch.

Gold Capsule....jpg

I finally figured out why it looked like 2 different types of Gold...

One side dried facing the Coffee Filter and the other side dried while it was Sunny Side Up...

Each Flake had a Heads and a Tails, and look how long it took me to see it...

This might turn into a Life Changing Event for me...

If it's Gold, I would love to sell it to the U.S. Treasury for Gold Coins...

As per my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction, "We the People" will be using "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins along with Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage and Common Coinage...

We were forced to remove our Gold and Silver Coins from Circulation because their Weights and Face Values were Set Too Low...

Lucky for us, it will be a Smooth Transition into our New and Improved Monetary System...

After giving it much thought, I believe it's been an ongoing project for many Decades...

It just became obvious to me, before others...

It was all leading up to this point in time...

I know for a Fact, that "We the People" have Staggering Amounts of Silver and Gold, standing by to Jump Start our New and improved Monetary System...

Silver and Gold will be used to Mint our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

In the meantime, we have Staggering Amounts of Post 1964 Coinage that will "instantly" increase 100 Fold in Spending Power...

It will also be used to "make change" for our Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

Think of our Common U.S. Coinage as the "Over-Looked" Hard Asset...

I believe our Common Coinage will "out-perform" Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies during Phase One of the United States Monetary Correction...

We will be using Stable Monetary Tools...

I won't go into the fine details, but we will have Back-up Plans to be used as needed...

What's important to know at this point is time, is that our Common Coinage will be used to "make change" for our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coinage...

Our Electronic Coinage will allow us to make change for a Paper Cent or a One Cent Coin...

This means we will be adding 99 Decimal Cents to "our" Electronic Dollars and Cents...

I write "our" Coinage, because "We the People" own the Rights to all U.S. Coinage...

We will also have Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium "Collector Coinage" which will include the 1/10 ounce $1 Silver Coins and the 1/10 ounce $10 Gold Coins...

They could Circulate among Coin Collectors, along with Collector Premiums, in addition to their Face Values...

Our Regular "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins will have Face Values that Range from $2 to $100...

None of our Coins will exceed $100 in Face Value...

When the Reset is Activated and Announced, the Melt Value of Silver will be $9 per ounce, payable in "Circulating" Silver Coins, and the Melt Value of Gold will be $90 per ounce, payable in "Circulating" Gold Coins...

During the Redemption Period I have good reason to believe the U.S. Treasury will be paying an additional $1 for and ounce of Silver and an additional $10 for an ounce of Gold, payable in "Electronic" Coinage...

Physical Fiat Dollars will be exchanged for Paper, Electronic or Common Coinage here in the U.S. at the same 100 to 1 Exchange Rate offered around the World for "Physical" Fiat Dollars...

I'm expecting most Countries to be using "our" Electronic Coinage and perhaps Paper Coinage, and I'm sure some people will want to use our Common Coinage...

That's about it for today, unless I do some editing of all the typos I make, that I never see until it's too late...

Feel free to question anything I write...
The Face Value of Gold Coins...

I'm expecting to see Digital Fiat Dollars and Cents going Dark...

During the Redemption Period, Physical Fiat Dollars will Co-Circulate with our Sound Money...

Because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, Fiat Dollars will be Counted as Sound Money Cents...


It's gold, you can use it however you want.
I wish you a happy start to the week

If it really is Gold, I'd have to consider it a Gift from God... I'd like to see it Minted into "Circulating" Gold Coins...

"When the Reset is Activated and Announced, the Melt Value of Silver will be $9 per ounce, payable in "Circulating" Silver Coins, and the Melt Value of Gold will be $90 per ounce, payable in "Circulating" Gold Coins..."

I still believe silver will be worth much more than gold soon

I think you're right, but it may take Decades to get there...

"the U.S. Treasury will be paying an additional $1 for and ounce of Silver and an additional $10 for an ounce of Gold"

Does it actually mean that they value gold much more than silver

In Phase One of the Reset, Gold will be more valuable than Silver... Phase Two they will be of equal value, and in Phase Three, Silver will be worth twice as much as Gold...

"We were forced to remove our Gold and Silver Coins from Circulation because their Weights and Face Values were Set Too Low" I am just wondering that what might have caused the massive drop

We were Bamboozled by Agents of the Central Bank Owners...

What we actually dream of, it might not actually take place instantly I mean the reserve you talked about

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