in #silvergoldstackers4 years ago (edited)

What is heading our way is something that "seems" totally impossible to the Masses...

Who would have thought that WE THE PEOPLE would do BATTLE with the Central Bank Owners...

We all know, we've been taken for a RIDE...

I think I know why Gold will DESTROY the Central Bank Owners...

It's true that the Central Bank Owners have Plenty of Gold, but how many of them have United States Sound Money...???


It will become the World Reserve Currency of Choice, not Force...

Sound Money will not have to be Forced upon anyone...

It just so happens that WE THE PEOPLE are the Proud Owners of "U.S. Sound Money"...

The way I see it, there will be a very SMOOTH TRANSITION away from Fiat Money and into Sound Money...

During the Redemption Period, both Currencies will Co-Exist...

The FIXED EXCHANGE RATE will be 100 Fiat Dollars for 1 Sound Money Dollar...

Each Fiat Dollar in your Bank Accounts will be Reset to One Cent, or 100 Decimal Cents, in Sound Money...

One Fiat Dollar will be equal to 100 Decimal Cents...

The need for the Reset is based on the Fact that each Fiat Dollar has lost 99% of its "Spending Power"...

That only leaves One (Sound Money) Cent, out of each Fiat Dollar...

I figure, you're all wondering how such a Reset is Possible...

Check out Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution...

It's all about Fixing the Weights and Measures of our Sound Money...

We need to start calling the Fiat Dollar what it is...

One Sound Money Cent, is what a Fiat Dollar "really is"...

That gives WE THE PEOPLE, cause to Reset our U.S. Monetary System, back to "Sound Money"...

I don't want to repeat myself over and over, so do your own research...

I have over 900 posts, looking at Sound Money from every possible angle...

I know what the Final Melt Values will be, and I know why...


Everyone from all over the World, (including the Central Bank Owners) will be Selling us their Gold and Silver in Exchange for Legal Tender "Sound Money"...

Sound Money will be issued in many different forms, and each form will be backed 100% by Gold and Silver...

When President Trump says "THE BEST IS YET TO COME" I figure, he's talking about Sound Money...

I have all the Answers concerning Sound Money, so feel free to ask any Questions you may have...

May 17, 2020... 7.7 Hollywood Time...


I can watch this one, again and again...
May 17, 2020... 21.0 Hollywood Time...

Agreed- gives a person hope that there is a way out of this "farce." I've been "awake" (at least the macroeconomic part of it for eleven years). I've felt "imprisoned" for the last eleven years.

Years ago, I would try to explain to people about this "farce"- family , friends, and co-workers thought I was crazy. I compared myself to Cassandra in the Iliad prophesizing and no one would listen to me.

Seeing is Believing... Good always Wins over Evil...
I believe, we're in very good Hands...
May 19, 2020... 2.0 Hollywood Time...

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