I've got nothing new to write...steemCreated with Sketch.

I don't think I'll be able to keep this up much longer, so you better be prepared...

I think it's very important to have some Common U.S. Coinage on the other side of the Reset, so keep that in mind...

I'll use my Pocket Change to obtain mostly 1/2 ounce $5 Silver Coins...

I figure the Day will Come when 1/2 ounce of Silver will get me 1 ounce of Gold...

I plan on getting Two of the 1/2 ounce $5 Silver Coins for each of my $10 Rolls of Quarters...

Each $5 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 500 of today's Fiat Dollars...

I'm sure most of you already know this, so why did I waste my time repeating it...

I suppose I do it for anybody who Stumbles upon my posts...

I forget to check what Silver and Gold did today...

I suppose it doesn't matter to me, since I I plan on getting mores of my Silver on the other side of the Reset...

I have answers to may Monetary Questions, so feel free to ask...

I get tire of guessing what you'd probably want to know...

If you have doubts about anything I write, I think it would be nice of you to tell me...

My 7th Anniversary is coming up next month...

Seven years of "Fine Tuning" my version of the coming U.S. Monetary Corrections...

I think I came a long way with the fine details...

I know what the Melt Values and Face Values will need to be, for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

If I had to choose between Silver or Gold, I'd pick Silver for sure, since I believe the day will come when One Ounce of Silver will get me Two Ounces of Gold...

There's no way, I"d sell any of my Silver to buy Gold...

I always laugh when people complain about having too much Silver, when they can get much less Gold...lol...

You'd be surprised how just a small amount of Silver will be worth so much more than it's worth today...

I use the Present as a means, to Travel into the Very Near Future...

It's kind of like Driving a Car and seeing what's heading our way, before we zoom by...

I know the Present is with me always and it's everlasting...

In fact, without the Present, we would have no Life in us...

My Spark of Life, dates all the way back...

It's amazing that any of us are even here, but here I am, stuck in the middle with you...

I've always had a constant Musical Beat, going on in my head...

This dates back, as far as I can remember...

It does help when I listen to music...

And I did discover why everybody sings so much better in the shower...

I won't tell, unless someone asks me in a Reply...

I'm starting to get less and less replies, so now I'm forced to get information out of me...

I know how to make any one of your Rich, beyond your Wildest Dreams, but no one is ever interested enough to ask how...

I could teach a person making Minimum Wage, how to invest just 10 Dollars per Day. that will end up with the Spending Power of 1,000 per day, during "Phase One" of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

And that's just investing $10 per day...

If you knew what was coming in Phase Two and Phase Three of the Reset, you'd really do good to read what I write...

I might tell you if you ask in one of your replies...

It's easy to make money, when you can see what's heading our way...

Just a Few Pieces of a Puzzle, will allow people to see a much Bigger Picture...

I've been able to put many pieces of the Monetary Puzzle together, so it's very easy for me to see what's coming...

I'm sure there must be a few of you, who have a nice amount of Common U.S. Coinage...

I keep adding to my pile, every time I buy Gasoline for my Car...

I always get back 50 Cents in Change, which will get me back my Spending Power, on the other side of the Reset...

I spend the Paper Fiat, in order to get back Change...

I love putting U.S. Coinage into my Pocket...

Today, I get back a Half Dollar Coin, which I believe will end up with the Spending Power of 50 Fiat Dollars...

Time for me to post this one...

Feel free to question what I write...


The best option to do right now is to invest and stack in silver and gold coin. In fact I am seeing it as a better form of investment than crypto

In Phase One of the U.S. Monetary Correction, our "Common U.S. Coinage" will out perform Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies...

(There's no way, I"d sell any of my Silver to buy Gold...)I agree with you when you write this sentence and even with what you say later.
Hey, as the song says, don't leave, what you should do is write less, a kind of conclusion, that's all, so you won't feel like you're writing the same thing.

Sometimes I feel like in need to concentrate my version of the Reset down to just a few words... No one seems to have the time to read too much...

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