SILVER = $16.81oz. Retains its 15 Year Long Term Bullish Trend. Keep a very close eye on SILVER in the coming few weeks/months..!!

in #silver7 years ago (edited)

SILVER - Long Term Bullish Trend

SILVER Long Term Bullish.png

You have to look back +15 years to see that SILVER is still in a Long Term Bullish Trend and recently it has reconfirmed this.

At $16.81oz, SILVER is one of the most Undervalued Assets on the Planet right now and thanks to DERIVATIVES has been suppressed to these low levels since the Financial Crisis of 2008.

Anyone who thinks that we are living in "Free Market" are sadly mistaken, as these toxic Financial Derivatives push and pull Asset Prices against their fundamentals as the system continues to paint an illusion of normality far from what is really going on.

Over the coming decade BLOCKCHAIN Technology will embark on a Global Technological Shift that will realign the Global Financial Market as it shows the market its true strength.

BLOCKCHAIN Technology will, for the first time since the advent of Derivatives and the options volatility formula, reset the toxic Financial System bringing about true price discovery.

At $16.81oz, keep a very close eye on SILVER in the coming few weeks/months.

Thanks for reading.



.... to include the 1 Hour Chart. dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ BUY Alert Signal.


Great post! Just bought more today!

Upvoted and resteemed!

Cheers! from @thedamus

AWESOME..!! Thank you. Stephen

I got 20 x pre-1966 Canadian dollars today :)


A box in the mail... heh heh heh -- going to have some fancy pics up on my blog in a couple hrs. Come and check 'em out :)

Cheers! from @thedamus

I agree. In my daily blogs, I have been saying the same thing. Of course, silver while most undervalued asset also is the most manipulated asset hence the prediction for future becomes difficult. I however, have been suggesting that a price of $34 by the year end may be possible.

Thanks for the contribution to the Blog. I appreciate it. Stephen

A good long term invest would be either gold or silver.
They may only be a store of money but the beautiful thing about these metals is that they have some sort of definitive value rather than a paper note such as £5 or £10
I think it would be good to get in now during this dip

These last 2 years have never been a better time to start investing in Silver. A great entry price thanks to the sheer weight of manipulation that is sat on the Silver Market like a pile of HORSE MANURE. When these paper derivatives are unwound, and they will, then the shit will really hit the fan..!! Stephen

Finally silver is awaken

Thanks for the info Stephen. I don't do previous stones, I am full time digital. Smile

You are very welcome. Stephen

Shared on twitter. Stephen

Keep stackin that silver guys 💯

Been waiting for a Silver short squeeze a LONG time now.

This is great news and the analysis shows that we are probably at a good low and time to buy in.

As the dollar keeps falling, the price of physical gold and silver will eventually rise.

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