in #silver7 years ago (edited)

People seemed to be confused as to what currency is. First lets start by saying that its not real money. It has no value to it. It will not protect you during an economic collapse.

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Unless you are holding a currency that is backed by either gold or silver, you are taking a risk. Countries stop backing there currency in the 1960-1970.

What did this do? well in the united states it has caused world wide debt issues. You see when we need more currency, we just fire up the old printer and start printing. We have done alot of PRINTING over the past 10 years.

When you do not have anything backing your currency and you just keep printing. You cause the value to decrease over time. Eventually it will be worthless. This is whats happening around the world as we speak.

So protect your wealth and invest in a tangible asset, that will hold its value. Dont get stuck with a lot of worthless paper.

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Follow me @raybrockman

Upvotes and resteems are appreciated.


Yea Buddy! I wrote a few days ago about Fiat vs. Crypto. All fiat is is a fancy receipt for NOTHING... It represents blips (0's and 1's) on a computer... Hey wait...

I have some cryptocurrency as well but i am still a little leary of it. I have completely gotten out of paper fiat. Thanks for the visit.

The "smart people" I listen to all say- put 1% of your portfolio into crypto. Sounds reasonable to me.

So true! All currency eventually returns to its intrinsic value...keep stacking the shiny stuff!

We want reall money. Thank for the comment @makecents

paper money if you can call it money is going to become very useless very soon, crypto is gonna be there but not quite sure how thats all gonna work out we will see and go along for the ride. I do think the banking system will fall but still not sure how to tie say a BITCOIN to USD or and value wise if there is no USD. I do think that it might be a good time to hold some silver gold for when it does crash as it will always have some type of value.

Agree, thanks for the comment @skylineking88

Exactly right!

Thanks my friend @salivatemetal

If you don't hold it, you don't own it!

Couldn't have said it better. Thanks for the visit @sevinwilson

Sadly, the majority of my friends and family, do not want to understand this reality. They look at me funny when I even attempt to explain this to them.

Agee.Yes it is vey difficult to get people to understand. Thanks for visiting

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