in #silverlast year

One Hundred Cents....jpg
No wonder so few people take me seriously...

I write about the way I see things happening in the "Very Near Future"...

Perhaps you see what's going on, in a different way...

We can't all be right about what's heading our way...

The one thing I know for a Fact, is that "We the People" have Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold, standing by, ready to be Activated...

We the People have been preparing for a our Monetary Correction for many Decades...

My Wild imagination is the Source of everything I write about the Very Near Future...

It all started, once we saw that we were Bamboozled into making Huge Mistakes, by setting the Weights and Face Value Measurements of our Silver and Gold Coins "too low"...

Our Silver and Gold Coins had a Range from 10 Cents to a 10 Dollar Gold Eagle...

Eventually, we had to add a 20 Dollar "Double" Eagle...

By the time we started removing our Silver Coins from Circulation, all we had to make change for our Silver Coins were Nickels and Pennies...

So, the entire Range of our U.S. Coinage when we decided to remove our Gold and then Silver Coins from Circulation was from One Cent to Twenty Dollars...

It was also a Big Mistake the way we removed our Gold and Silver Coins without Replacing them with Corrected Weights and Face Values...

We could have actually fixed the problem a long time ago...

We kept allowing ourselves to be Bamboozled by Agents of the Central Bank Owners...

You may be interested in what Bix has to say...

Bix mentioned Common U.S. Coinage, but nothing about making change for our New Product Line of Silver and Gold Coins...


Yesterday I was looking at a tutorial from JAPAN, technology goes much faster there, people use their cell phones for all kinds of payments, the national currency is rarely used, we'll see how this applies to other countries as time goes by.
I wish you a happy weekend

Our Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents can also be used with a Cell Phone... The Big Difference is that our Electronic Coinage will be 100% backed by our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

I love the way you are posting innovative contents. @pocket-change, you are really impacting the world

I believe I came up with an Easy Fix for the U.S. Monetary Correction... According to my Calculations, it should be a Very Smooth Transition, because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate along with a Redemption Period... We will be shipping Staggering amounts of our New Product Line of Silver and Gold Coins, all over the World... Our Electronic Coinage will also be used all over the World... We will be adding 99 Decimal Cents to our Coinage, giving us Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents...

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