Silver Adventures of Captain Joshua Slane - #57 - “Whispers n’ Thoughts”

in #silver7 years ago (edited)


Deep under the hollow of an Oak tree, somewhere south-east of village square…


“Oi'm 'ere ter tell yer Laddie, they's got a chest av silvers cock an' 'en quid at laest, an' they's stayin roi at th’ inn on de norn side av village square!”
“An' 'oy is does yer nu dat?! Yer knuk a few ounces an' suddenly yer tink they's got cock an' 'en quid! That's a load av 'orse shoite if ever Ireland's 'eard it!”
“Naw! Oi seen it! Oi seen dem carryin' it an' they's stayin roi in de second floor room at de inn!”
“Pigs an' whistles! If yer's is dat sure av it den go git it! But I'll not go so deep into town!”
“Well maybees Oi wills! An' if Oi chucker, you'll not git wan silver from me! Ah an' they's got coppers too!"

Back at the pub...

ErticalOne pondered how to trap a Leprechaun, "Spring jaw leg trap baited with gold colored coinage comes to mind....Deep hole with pungi sticks also. Little thievin Bastages!"
Well aware of the rumor and legend, he believed that he could out smart the little bizatch and collect a King's Ransom in gold. Beautiful, hard, cold gold!

"Wut's yer's head aw full ay?! Yer's noot said two words all night!" Azzuar said as nudged Erticalone.
"Nothin worth sharin mate, nothin atol..."



Lage hinan aju

"Wut in bloddy 'ell is 'att mate?!"

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