Silver Adventures of Captain Joshua Slane – 22SE18 – “Silvers Contest update!”

in #silver6 years ago (edited)




"Weel it's time fur arr silver contest update an' so forth! As always, th' winner will git one full oonce o' silvers, th' second runner-up will git a half oonce o' silvers an' th' third runner-up will git a quarter oonce o' silvers! Ahh do believe in passin' it forward an' so forth! Every man's destiny is 'self-created! Noo, let's see how arr top ten contestants are doin'..." - Captain

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"Weel we hav an interestin' contest! Th' onlee thing ta really gab aboot is Obaku! Why hee's noot onlee made th' top ten, but has ootsail'd both Ubg and ErticalOne! An' poor Azzuar, who jus' had hee's two years anniversary on-board an' so fort' has been bumped oot of th' top ten! End o' an era Ahh guess!

Weel, until next week maties...Happy Sailin'!"- Keptin

Silver Contest Rules:

“Ahh will makes this offer, a stoatin standin' offer! Fer every Up-Vote o' Reply 'att Ahh might receive from ye followers o' th' toor, Ahh will donate one copper ($0.01) inta th' silver contest fund fer buyin silvers fer th’ crew! That's right! One copper fer every Up-Vote o' Reply! An', as soon as th' pot is large enough ta buys a silver, Ahh will award 'att winin' coin ta th' most actiff crewman (th' one 'att Up-Votes an' Replies ta me blog th' most an' so forth) Ahh'm goin all in fer ye mates, an' Ahh do believe in 'passin' it forwards' an' such!

Absolute anonymity is o' coorse respected. Hard wark has a value, it has a worth. Ahh believe 'att. We will makes quite a holiday oot o' this, postin' a runnin' balance an' o' coorse th' top ten most actiff crewman!"

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Addendums an' sae forth:

Article 1: Aw contributions mus' be an Up-Vote or a Reply.

Article 2: First Place Prize - 1 full oonce o' Silvers - Current cost: 1,435 Coppers, plus 175 coppers fur margin, plus 250 coppers fur shippin', fur a grain total ay 1,860 coppers.
Second Place winner will recieve 1/2 oonce o' silvers.
Third Place winner will recieve 1/4 oonce o' silvers. (All silvers will be shipped oot when th' First Place winner is announced.)

Article 3: Whoever wins First Place in th' current round mus' sit-oot th' next contest in fairness an' gracious demeaner an' so forth.

Article 4: Th' price o' silvers is subject ta change, due ta markit value an' pirates an' such.

"Guid luck ta all, an' may th' best mucker win!" - Captain


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