Gold: they really did a number on you...

in #silver7 years ago

You know it's kind of sad?

When humanity's Long time relationship with Gold as a sound and honest medium of exchange for goods and services has been reduced to this…


Now, i'm not knocking super Mario or any other video game for that matter. I actually quite enjoy playing the old school video games, but I just find it curious that a majority of millennials will equate gold coins with a video game objective of accumulating as many of them as possible. Equally funny is that these video game coins serve no real monetary value within the game either. How is it that our relationship with precious metals has been reduced to this?

Would you believe me if I told you that for a nearly 40 year long period, Gold was illegal to privately own by citizens beginning with a massive confiscation of coins in 1933? With this precious substance completely vanishing as tangible store of wealth in many households, The public perception of it gradually waned as future generations forgot about the importance of it as real money. By 1971, the very last vestige of a gold standard (The Breton-Woods system) was dismantled by Richard Nixon. Overnight gold was once again legal for citizens to own but it was no longer legal tender but just a commodity.


Gold is been valued as money universally for thousands of years, but all it took was 40 years of illegality in the United States for the world to forget Gold is having monetary value. This is astounding...

In these modern times, It is actually now difficult to even conceptualize that Gold was even use his money at all.

"Whaaaa?? They used to for things in gold and silver??"

Yup, indeed they did and trust me my friend. These times we live in are the exception to a very long historical monetary tradition. We live in a fake reality which is mathematically destined for system failure.

Fiat Currency, which is printed like crazy and backed only by empty promises of future wealth, can only last for so long until it no longer trusted. Unlike gold and silver, paper is not a store of value. Sadly, the majority of people will only realize this aftertheir savings are reduced to zero value.

What once was, will come to be again...

Will you be positioned correctly in the hour of the reevaluation of silver and gold?

I sure hope and pray that you get reacquainted with the only REAL money on the planet. Gold and Silver are the medium of exchange of our ancestors, 3-4 generations back and beyond.

Time to wake up, Ask questions, think critically and most importantly of all, TAKE ACTION! Your future depends upon the information you take in!


Wealthy Body, Mind, Soul and pockets!!



Well said. I agree with you fully, and have been converting my wealth to hard assets ... with a tiny dabble in crypto. Given the gold silver ratio at around 70 to one and a historic average closer to 10 to one. Silver is a no brainer. It is the cheapest asset around ... by far and should one day spring back closer to the price of gold. Of course there are the other factors like consumption etc... that only support getting into investing in metals and especially silver!

You are right man! There are numerous factors that I didn’t mention that effect my beliefs, decisions and actions in this subject! At this point, I do not actually own too much gold. I made goal of purchasing one oz this year. This is only so that I have some. Other man that, I will also wait for the ratio to even out until I convert some of my silver in exchange for gold! In the mean time, I don’t mind the bargain at all! We are all going to be ridiculously well off in the reevaluation! haha

That's the right idea. I have diversified to include an ounce of gold in my stash and am now collecting a tiny bit of crypto to play with. But my main focus is still silver. Although I have been adding some semi-numismatic coins to my collection, mainly Silver Shield because I just can't get enough of Chris Duane's awesome designs!

I love me SBSS Trivium Round! My favorite round by far!

One of my MANY favourite Silver Shield coins I have is a gold guilder Pieces Of Eight, it was the first piece of silver I owned in my own hot little hand and still remains one of my favourites. Also the Trivium Girls is a nice strike too!

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All you have to do is look at the debt clock and you will see how much gold and silver is undervalued. Buy what you can afford as often as you can.

According to Mike Maloney, as soon as the free market takes hold, the precious metals will skyrocket as they absorb all of the extra dollars due to inflation. That will be a joyous day for the stacker!!

I think we will return to the gold standard sooner rather than later. And it might be painful for some. But precious metals will never vanish as currency. They are just on hiatus right now. And when they come will be with a vengeance. Precious metals are what got me into crypto in the first place.
Excellent post @jangaladesigns followed and upvoted.

Hi jangaladesigns when I look at a €50 note/piece of paper, I start to panic and rush of to the shops to break it down to smaller notes. I don't want to be caught with big notes with a pending financial system collapse. Then once I have a certain amount of paper notes I rush off to the bank to deposit them into my silver suppliers account to pay for my next silver coin order. And so the cycle repeats itself until my suppliers say sorry we have no stock.😊 Upvoted.

I couldn't agree more my friend! This Fiat monetary system is like playing "hot potato!" haha

Jangaladesigns how dare you not agree with me. 😊

Sorry haha it was a typo! I meant to say that I couldn't agree more*** 🙂

I know just messing with you.

They surer did do a number on us all!
Funny how making something illegal people forget about it's value and worth, the similar thing that was done to Hemp and Cannabis.

It's all a part of mind control and appeal to authority! BS, BE GONE!! haha

haha for surer it should be gone.

Give a pre-school child a gold and/or silver coin to hold and you can see the wonder in their eyes. They know that they are holding something of real value, I believe it's in our DNA. It's only when they enter the "education" system and they start getting the government mandated story of money that they start to lose the ingrained knowledge of real money.

Without getting too woowoo, i believe that all crystals, minerals, and metals give off a certain energy frequency! Gold is a very consciousness inducing element and that is why the globalist elitists be damned if they let us use it as money. Our society in the aggregate used to be much more intelligent and free on average. Makes one think about the bigger picture in a broader way 🙌

I totally agree. Years ago when I was living in Sydney I ran a small market stall selling healing crystals. At first it was just a job and an income but over time I met so many people who lives had been changed by the positive energies. It's easy to be cynical and say it is a placebo effect however too many of the customers had tried everything conventional medicine had to offer prior to considering crystals so I'm convinced the earth provides if you look for it.
Never be afraid to go woowoo with me my friend 👍

You know, even if it just a placebo effect, I don't think that it takes away from its value! :)

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