Silver Will Be Used For Renewable Plasma Energy - Rigging Ending Soon?

in #silver7 years ago (edited)

When the Silver Rigging Ends - The SunCell May Shine

Watching the latest Three Amigos Roundtable with Clif High, Bix Weir and JSnip4 about cryptos, silver and other good things, it was briefly mentioned how the industrial usage of silver will be instrumental in determining the price when the rigging ends.

But when will the rigging end? If we are lucky, the musical chairs of the silver market price rigging will start to unravel on August 1st, 2017. On that date, Delaware has legalized the use of blockchain technologies to trade silver.

As Bix comments in his post: "(Veritaseum and) Reggie Middleton is free to take out the middle man in COMEX Silver trading and introduce a legitimate, open and HONEST SILVER MARKET as of August 1st!!".

Industrial Uses of Silver

Silver is for more than jewelry and coinage. Silver enthusiasts have long lauded the diverse range of products in which silver is used as an argument for its value. It is found in practically all household electronics, used in old school photography, for photovoltaics (solar power), for its antibacterial characteristics in the medical industry, in mirrors, to coat cds and dvds etc.
But there is one industrial use that has not yet hit the market, and when it does, we will see the demand for silver go through the roof: environmentally friendly energy production.

Silver for Renewable Energy - More Than Just Photovoltaics

Energy production? Yep, that's right, energy production. And not just photovoltaic panels.
Brilliant Light Power has developed a means to generate electricity by harnessing the power of hydrinos that needs silver to create the necessary plasma state. It's best to let the developers explain:

"The SunCell® was invented and engineered to harness the clean energy source from the reaction of the hydrogen atoms of water molecules to form a non-polluting product, lower-energy state hydrogen called “Hydrino” that is the dark matter of the universe wherein the energy release of H2O to Hydrino and oxygen is 100 times that of an equivalent amount of high-octane gasoline at an unprecedented high power density. The compact power is manifest as thousands of Sun equivalents that can be directly converted to electrical output using commercial concentrator photovoltaic cells." source

Holy smokes, Batman! But where does the silver come in?

Right here Batgirl:

"The SunCell® comprises six fundamental low-maintenance commercially available systems, some having no moving parts and capable of operating for a decade or more: (i) a start-up inductively coupled heater to first melt silver; (ii) a gas injector to inject hydrogen derived from water and an injection system comprising an electromagnetic pump to inject molten silver and a very stable solid source of oxygen that reacts with the hydrogen to form the hydrogen to hydrino catalyst; (iii) an ignition system to produce a low-voltage, high current flow across a pair of electrodes into which the molten (silver) metal and fuel are injected to form a brilliant light-emitting plasma; (iv) a blackbody radiator heated to incandescent temperature by the plasma; (v) a light to electricity converter comprising so-called concentrator photovoltaic cells that receive light from the blackbody radiator and operate at light intensity of over one thousand Suns; and (vi) a fuel recovery and a thermal management system that causes the molten (silver) metal to return to the injection system following ignition." source

Here's the interview they did on CNN to announce SunCell:

But will it really work?

Brilliant Light Power has published the validation reports on their technologies, and the videos and interviews available on YT present a solid front of positive reviews of the technology. Check out their channel for yourselves at BrilliantLightPowerInc Youtube Channel.

But that's a long way off, right?

Some optimistic pundits have suggested that SunCell Plasma Technology Could Be Available for Commercial Use in 2017.

How cheap will energy production be?

Current estimates suggest that SunCell will be able to deliver a kilowatt hour (kWh) for $0.001, compared to coal ($0.07/KwH), hydro ($0.09/kWh), wind ($0.18/kWh) and solar ($0.30). So, a LOT cheaper! source

But won't the rollout of new energy plants take forever?

Not if Brilliant Light Power has its way. And Brilliant Light Power is thinking both big and small, because it is scalable. This means they can scale the SunCell "engine" to run your house, your car, a ship, train or a plane, as you can see in this video...

Great! So what does that mean?

Well, if - and it is a big if in my opinion, because I just can't see the petro giants letting this go to market without resistance - it would suggest that silver will become immensely valuable for its role in energy generation in addition to all of its other uses. As such, it wouldn't be unreasonable to speculate that silver would easily eclipse gold in terms of monetary value. If this technology makes it to market in 2017 and the silver rigging ends as well, we may be looking towards a moon shot that change how silver is viewed until the advent of truly free energy.

Shot with a silver arrow,

Cupid Zero

Don't forget to upvote, follow and resteem! Comments always appreciated.

Gifs thanks to Giphy! All SunCell and Brilliant Light Power graphics and videos are theirs and are quoted here for the readers' edification. I have no connections to Brilliant Light Power, but if they want to upvote me, they can!


That would make a lot of silver stackers happy. I wish tbey would said what the sale price for a home unit is expected to be.

Yes, the pricing issue looks to be tightly under wraps. It seems in mass production it should be very affordable, we can hope they don't go for an insane profit margin.

"...intensity of over one thousand Suns."

I want one!

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