My 4th of July Silver Giveaway!

in #silver7 years ago (edited)


Just wanted to show my appreciation to all my Steemit friends. While I stay diversified in Crypto, Precious Metals are still my favorite.

If you haven't done it yet, check out my site


I will be doing a full tutorial in the coming days. It is still in Beta as I continue to make updates but it is fully functional. Precious Metals investors have been participating for the last 2 months while I continue to make the user experience better. There is over 350 registrations already!

As you can see, I have added Cryptocurrency into the mix.

As for the giveaway of the 1oz Silver Flag, here are the rules.

  1. Be on of my followers
  2. Upvote this post
  3. Make a comment! Even if it's just to say 👋

If you do these 3 things you are entered. I will draw a winner on a post tomorrow. I will contact the winner through for the address to send the prize!

Lastly, I have created a discord channel for the coin and bullion community. Here is the invite. It's a great way for all of us to stay connected and chat!
It's called "StackGoldSilver"
Let's make it great!

Thanks everyone!


nice website!

Thanks Rino. It's really fun. I will be producing a nice tutorial this week with live auction video so everyone can see how it works!

Cool Site...

Thank you. I haven't even started to market it yet. I used my Instagram followers to test the site and remove all the bugs. Now it's finally ready for showtime. My tutorial on Steemit will be the first time the site has seen the light of day. I'm excited.

Nice Post - Nice Site- Nice Giveaway...

Your not the only one that likes silver.

Don't doubt that.

No doubts. We just have to stay nimble and move assets into the flavor or the day that is spiking. Silver will have its day. Until then, I don't mind building my war chest with Crypto.

Comment. . . ;)

Thanks for sharing and welcome to the community.

What does a silver flag looks like?? No buffalo? ;)

I have buffalos too :)

buffalo and the american indian?

Screen Shot 2017-07-04 at 12.26.21 PM.png

These?! I have a ton of them. If you win I will swap it to this one.

ok..i will win so prepare one pls :)

Upvoted! Thanks for the fun contest. I will check out your site. I have not been yet.

Nice website! Alternative in fiat DREAM!

Thanks, I have been working really hard on it. I think it is about to do some big things.

Thanks for the contest! Great site.

Appreciate it!

This is cool, I upvoted and now I'm following. Check out my last post it's a winner I think? Lol Cheers

I'll check it out!

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