What's the real value of silver and gold?

in #silver7 years ago

I'm sure everyone here has been wondering when silver will take off, will it ever take off?
If you want to get excited about silver and gold take a look at this,
This is the silver to dollar ratio per oz!
I have looked at the national debt clock before but I never realized the silver and gold ratio was right there!
Silver is at 817.00 and gold is at 6740.00!!!
Is this the real price? It looks like it to me!
This is why I believe silver and gold will correct.
I found this information about the clock from another post by crowe, here is his post.

The US debt is out of control. Something has to give, and they cannot keep up the manipulation paper market much longer.
Looks what going on in Illinois.

Illinois is in a major financial crisis, when people of Detroit lost their pensions, lost everything, it's now happening to Illinois.
In the letter posted on her website, Mendoza who over the weekend warned that Illinois is "in massive crisis mode" and that "this is not a false alarm" said the state is "effectively hemorrhaging money" due to various court orders and laws that have left government spending roughly $600 million more a month than it's taking in. Mendoza said her office will continue to make debt payments as required, but indicated that services most likely to be affected include long-term care, hospice and supportive living centers for seniors. She added that managed care organizations that serve Medicaid recipients are owed more than $2.8 billion in overdue bills as of June 15

All I am saying is keep stacking and prepare yourself and your family!
What do you think?


Both are very, very undervalued. But I believe silver even more so. The fiat monetary system and manipulated COMEX/paper metals markets have a stranglehold on the whole market. Thanks for sharing this - there are some difficult economic times ahead, we just won't know how soon/far. Keep stacking & prepping in the meantime.

Definitely prepare, sooner or later the calls for delivery won't be able to be filled and the paper comex will come to an end, and then the fireworks will begin.

Couldn't agree more:
Buying gold is perhaps the easiest step you can take towards diversifying your savings.

When you buy gold, you trade in paper money—which the government can devalue and confiscate at will—for a hard asset that’s been a stable store of value for thousands of years.

Silver will make you rich one day, stacking PM's and Cryptos!

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