The Signs of True Intelligence

in #signs7 years ago (edited)

Some personal characteristics or skills that are generally considered useless (or even harmful) suggest a high level of brain activity, scientists say. Here are some features that according to experts show higher intelligence, shared by the team of .

You are left-handed (or you serve the same with both hands).

In an article in 1995, New Yorker journalist Maria Konnikova describes an experiment that takes place among a group of left-wing and right-wingers. "Leftists are more adept at combining two ordinary objects in a new way to form a third. They also do well when they need to group lists of words in as many alternative categories as possible, "she explains.

Scientists associate leftistry, as well as the ability to use both hands, with unconventional thinking and the ability to generate new ideas. No matter what your leading hand, it is a useful exercise to learn to do some action with the other. This activates undeveloped areas of the brain.

You often worry about even the smallest things.

In one study 126 students had to fill in questionnaires about how often they feel worried, they pay attention to rumors or think of situations that upset them. It turned out that the more worrying had a significantly higher speaking intellect. In other words, they have a richer vocabulary, better categorize words and understand the meaning of phrases.

You love joking.

The relationship between humor and intelligence is confirmed by an interesting study conducted at the University of New Mexico. 400 students had to discuss specific topics. After completing the tests, students had to put inscriptions on a number of drawings and cartoons. These inscriptions have been reviewed by independent assessors. 86% of the students who have received the most test scores have chosen humorous drawing titles. Later the same study was conducted with comedians and they all received above the average results of the verbal intelligence test.

According to scientists, humor has an impact on intellectual abilities, maintains the brain and nervous system in good shape and makes.

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