Post Con Crud

in #sick6 years ago


So it got me...the con crud that I try so hard to avoid. It was just too powerful. Maybe it was all the sweaty sock and bra money handed to me. Or if could be the fact that I accept credit cards and process it through my phone...meaning sloppy scuzzbuckets are handling that. It probably also has something to do with my immune system being a bit beaten down from lack of proper sleep and meals. All of this equals me hacking up some colorful goobs and whining to my wife like a complete baby. Oh, I am such a baby when I am sick. I don't fall ill often but when I do it smashes me fairly hard and makes me pay for my non sick days.

I don't have a fever even though I feel as though I do. Yesterday I pretty much layed in bed most of the day. The wife and daughter got me one of my favorite soups whcih I have not had since 2012. It's from the diner that my ex wife works at so I sadly had to give that up but my daughter said she would run in and order me a quart to go. WIN!!

Today I will be woring but I am going to take it easy and relx there. No projects even though there are a million things to be done. Then I have off tomorrow and can rest it up a bit more. I need to get caught up as I am completely run down. I need proper sleep!!!

Speaking of sleep....I had some strange dreams the past few nights. Last night I had 2 that I remember. One was my dad telling me that mom is dying and being completely bummed out about it. Another was my brother trying to kill me, yet I somehow knew of his plan so I surprised him. I was in a bathroom stall and he tried to climb over and shoot me but I surprised him as I was hiding in a different stall. I let him go and he drove away. Odd...

The night before I had a dream that my pup Maya ran away and I was searching for her on some weird hilltop near a freeway covered by colorful masks and relics. I never found her. My weirdest sick dream the past few nights though involves someone I never even met in person. @anomadsoul and myself were being chased through some sort of outdoor market. It was covered with tents and people trying to sell their wares. I remember being completely panicked and worried while Eric was cool as ice. He was not stressed at all about the situation...odd. If I end up going to Steemfest next month, I fully expect to cause some trouble and get a real chase....I wanna see just how cool under pressure you really are. Or how big of a pussy I really

Anyway, I am going to go take a hot shower before heading to work. Hope you all have a great day!!!


I am sorry you are sick, but these sick dreams are crazy and I want more. When you start feeling better maybe pop over to a KFC and lick a door knob or two, okay?


By the way...typing in “licking door knob” opens up a whole new world of shit I didn’t even know

LOL didn't know this was a thing once again @blewitt attracts a interesting crowd.

Only the finest!!!


Lol. I’ve opened new doors for all of us. I am...a pioneer.

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