Our mantra "In Italy, Eat Gelato"

in #siblingtrip5 years ago

Our (my) mantra was "In Italy, Eat Gelato".

In putting this together I noticed that I am in all the pictures and I always got chocolate. I am not much of an ice cream person at home. I do enjoy a good gelato in Italia!

Sibling Trip
Share My World: Sibling trip
San Quirino, Italy
Share My World: Venice, Italy: Part 1
Share My World: Venice, Italy: Part 2
Textures in Italy
Share My World: 4 words for Florence, Italy
Art Talk: Tour of the Galleria dell' Accademia
Night Shots of Florence, Italy


And "in New York City, Eat Gelato also"

There's a GROM in New York City too :). A couple actually. It's easily one of my favorite places here. I can see why.

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Oh that is so good to know! It was my favorite of the gelato we had. I am going to have to get some when I am there!
Did you reach out to other Steemians about getting together in November?

Sorry I keep avoiding this question but the answer is no. I suppose I'm not quite up for it after all, at least for now :/

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Ok no problem

This is irresistible, my brain is ordering me to go out and get a chocolate ice cream now! 🍦 🍦 🍦

Ha ha. Hope you got some!

Sooooo, chocolate is your preference, your bother likes strawberry and your sister... something quite neutral : )

Yep I'm always chocolate and a fruit... usually a red one

Ha ha, good eye.

Lol, I stopped reading and noticed while flicking through the photos again... what else does one look for in gelato photos!! :D Then when I finished reading I then saw you say you always had chocolate. It's funny how we so often stick to certain things. I always tell my husband he is boring as he ALWAYS has half vanilla/half chocolate... I can mix it up a bit but I have favs too... NEVER vanilla though! ; )

There is actually a really good gelato place at my work for the student's dining hall and I have gotten the coconut there often.

I see no evidence of that, lol :D

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