Rust Valley Restorers (TV show) - Repetitive but good for classic car fans

in #shows5 years ago

Sticking with my promise to watch anything that Netflix recommends to me and because of the fact that I am not going to start a new season of anything until The Dark Crystal is released on the 30th, I decided to finish off season one of Rust Valley Restorers.


This show isn't particularly unique: There are a lot of shows out there that are focused the restoration of classic cars and the lives of the people that do that sort of thing. However, i feel like this one works better because they skip an awful lot of the time-consuming bullcrap that happens during a restoration project.


The show focuses mostly on Michael Hall and his son Connor as well as their number one sidekick Avery (who also appears to be the most mechanically gifted of the bunch.) Like a lot of the shows that are just like this one they butt heads a lot but in a significantly more amicable manor than say that dysfunctional family on American Choppers.

Each episode is about 50 minutes long, which would normally be too long for me. However, the director saw to it that things are kept moving and they actually do a very good job at filling up each episode with interesting stuff. We aren't made to focus too much on the technical aspects of every restoration and they do a great deal of time-lapse so we get the bigger picture, but aren't bored out of our minds watching a 17 hour sandblasting and repainting job.

The show is a lot of fun and the major characters involved are pretty funny and unusual people, especially the main character and owner, Mike. I will admit that you probably need to have at least a little bit of interest in American muscle cars from the 50's to the 70's to truly like it. I am actually quite surprised on how affordable some of these cars are at the end of the jobs. I almost feel as though I could maybe buy one some day.

I've only ever bothered to watch a few shows like this and Rust Valley Restorers is the only one that I have watched all of. Although it is a History Channel original, it is available on Netflix as well.

Of all the reality or documentary series I have watched recently, this is one of my favorites. It is truly well done and I think you will be entertained - if not by the amazing cars they build, than by the fact that the director and producers keep things moving at a nice pace.



I think this movie is more fun and learning i better watch this when i get home.

My good friend watches all of these kinds of shows. I used to watch American Chopper back in the day, but I soon grew very tired of the obvious antics and shenanigans. It basically became a farce. A lot of these shows seem to have more to do with the main characters personality vs what they can actually do. This sounds like it could be an exception. I seriously thought that was Ron Jeremy in your opening photo.

These kinds of programs are very interesting.

pd: I like it!

This sounds interesting. But I am yet to join NetFlix... because their own production of the Cartoon Series Big Mouth disgusted me. I see that as promoting Paedophilia and I can't understand how NetFlix are even allowed to air such a vile and perverted show. ☹️

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