Personal Interest vs. Helping the Interests of others

in #showerthoughts7 years ago

I'm sometimes asked "how and why I learned so much about Steemit?"

My best answer is because of my personal interest and the drive to help the interests of others.

You see, most if not ALL of us came here on some level, even if a really really small one...for the money. And that's OK!! It's true! The aspect of money, no matter how tiny, is what makes this place so freaking exciting. For most of us, we get to know the community and enjoy interacting in tons of different ways. While still there, the issue of money reduces at least slightly.

So why am I blabbering on about all this? What does this have to do with answering the original question?

I told you all this because when I first started, I had that first post payout 'pop' and I became so excited! I was pumped up...addicted to this feeling! Something I wrote, had this kind of response. I'd never been paid for something like that before. So, like most of you...after that first 'nice payout' post, things went waaaaaay down. Say $100 post followed by a $2. While many people around me got upset at this...I became curious.

Personal Interest

So, I began trying to understand so many little things so I could figure out how it worked. I read the white paper (something you really should do..just skip the MATHY parts, unless you really like math), searched posts on things like voting or curation, and ASKED QUESTIONS in comments or I honestly WANTED to know more.

Why? Because I could see the potential of what this *Could be. Our goal is to grab attention...ideally by using our creativity whether it be writing, art, photography, philosophy, fiction, drones/quadcopters, traveling. But these AREN'T tags...they're pieces of our lives! The are the things we do in our FREE time...outside of work or responsibilities. These are the moments we're doing what we WANT!!

WANT versus NEED

Outside pressures often define our needs, a job to cover bills and living expenses, following through with obligations, etc. For the most part, it's not terribly hard to know what you NEED to do. The rules to live, essentially tell us rather explicitly.

But trying to figure out what you WANT??! That's a harder question to answer. It's not nearly as predictable as say, paying a monthly bill. And THIS is what is fostered here. THIS is the question that progresses us over time! While I love being able to be in this state, what excited me even more was the prospect of doing this with OTHER PEOPLE doing it too.


I like to believe that life is NOT a zero sum game. There ARE often ways to find a win/win scenario allowing the whole to be greater than the sum of the parts. (i.e. 1 + 1 = 3) So I started not only trying to answer my questions, but those of others I saw in chat, a comment, a post, etc. I would search around looking for other posts that could answer it. Then, it was just sharing that information with the one I found asking.

There were limits to what I had though of to learn! Helping others answered their questions...pushed me into the true deep end of things to figure out. So many different situations, personal backgrounds, experiences, etc that ask so many different questions!

Now, I really like figuring out complex systems like Steemit. It may instead be frustrating to some of you. In all reality this is a really good thing. It means that at least one of you is instead going to go do something I SUCK at! Lol. But I find both questions and inspiration from YOUR paintings, poetry, fiction, photos, experiences! It's a giant feedback loop of people helping EACH OTHER do what they WANT to do.

So, if there is one takeaway from this...

Use this place to find what you WANT to do. After a while, try to ALSO find how you can help somebody else achieve the same! This may be in the form of a supportive comment, a conversation, a reply, a vote, a tip, a resteem, a random act of kindness, or whatever else could be of use. YOU grow when THEY GROW!

I learned WAY more about Steemit helping others than I did for my own gain. The same is true for you...helping others on here helps yourself!

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I for one have really started to find interest and revenue in commenting on posts.
New comers should realize that there are numerous ways to make money here.
There is not a need to rush your content.
Spend more time interacting with people, exploring the wonderful content on this platform and engaging with the community.
It not only providers an opportunity to make money but to build a following around you at the same time, which can really pay out in the long run.
As for helping people here in general, I can't tell you the joy it's brought me dumping large piles of SBD on the winners of my pixel contest. It's helped me make new friends and find some really talented cats on here.
So my advice is learn to enjoy this amazing place, don't just seek to be enjoyed.

Well said!!! May I use this comment in my course :) ?

Really awesome comment. I really love watching people go from lost and confused to developi some kind of passion here on steemit, whether it be writing or by getting involved in certain projects, starting personal projects like you are or organizing communities based on certain interests.

That's what I hope to accomplish, is to be part of a community and help others. Through SteemIt I have already gained more than I could ask for in terms of crypto and also knowledge so I definitely want to pack back the community.

Ive seen a lot of people on here geuninely interested in what and why they are doing it.
I've said before, if you're only on here for the money, people will notice and you won't be having as much fun (if any) due to self imposed pressure and lack of community involvement

Great post. Helping others goes a long way, even outside of Steemit.

I am a little fry in this community. Still have lots to learn from a pro like you. thank you for your insights :)

nice work. funny thing is I concluded somethng similar in my last post. thank you for all of the help and your curiosities and problem solving skills :)

The key with this is that giving service to others nearly always turns back into some sort of service coming back to the self. The other way round and this never really works.

i think u addicted to steemit and you learn to much about steemit.this good article @sykochica thanks for sharing

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