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RE: Are All Religions Getting at the Same Thing?

in #showerthoughts7 years ago

To me, religion is a control mechanism used by the powers that be to control the masses without resorting to conventional violence. Religion is an edict on what spiritually is and we are to follow it with blind faith and without question, allowing it to shape our lives, to be "good" followers.

I find religion stifles and retards true growth of the spirit... I know people that have sat in the same pew for forty years with no sign of growth and singing the same hymns. When do you graduate Sunday "School" and move on? I was headed to be one of those people until the day I ask myself why do I believe what I believe? It was because that is what I was lead to believe growing up.

It was not until I took full responsibility for my own spirituality that I discovered peace, love, joy and thankfulness in all thing were already within me, without the guilt, shame and self-hate that religion brings.

We are whole, perfect and complete the way we were created, to do what we were created to do. Nothing in this world is out of place, including my desire to change it.

When you live within the four walls of "words on paper" and under the umbrella of a teacher, the light will never find you. "God" is already within you waiting for your discovery and this will only happen when it is you and God alone.

Religion is the blind leading the blind to keep you blind.


I do understand what you mean, but I don't blame religion for this. It's the people, who use it as a tool for control and they twist it to suit what they want (catholic church). It is also the people, who don't want to question their beliefs and remain in the same state of mind for their whole life, because if they are comfortable where they are, why would they want to change?

I think either all or most of the problems with religion, are created by people, not fully from what the religion says.

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